Jorvik Ethnicity in Leonna | World Anvil
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The Jorvik are a race of mushroom giants. Think of them as a mushroom ice giants with some of the personality of the ents from the lord of the rings.   These creatures have taken home with the world below aka the underdark of the world. They have a culture of very family oriented. They only thing that will really get them emotional is something happening to their kin. Usually if something does occur to themselves they will be able to brush it off quite easily.   The leader of their clan is a village elder that for the race is relatively short however ever wise.   They are ever resilient against the Underdark Disease. Which prevents them from succoming from to the mental hazards that the underdark can bring. One of the main reasons they stay protected is that within their village their spores are kind of a blanket against the disease as well as their general bonds with each other making them resillient. They do have a special "hospital" in case one would contract the disease. Although rare, they will save no measure to save a member against it.   They are also quite monsterous in their everyday strength and aquisition of gems. They gather minerals with the aid of xorvic, a xorn inhabitant of the underdark. With those minerals they let surtr, their weaponsmith, go ham on the new materials for better armour and weapons. Though they severly lack still the proficiency to properly wield everything their brute strength makes up for their brutish way of maneauvering.   What is there to do in Jorvik?
  • There is the smithy
  • hospital
  • they have a weird tavern with mushroom based brews. There are always strings inside of them, however the jorvik like them for their additional texture to the drink.
  • The meals that they eat are a combination of what they hunt with mushrooms that they grow.
  • The mushrooms that they grom have additional properties to either buff them for combat or just gives them piece of mind when they require it.
  • What if they also have some iowaska type of mushrooms to give you a new expierence which they use on a seeer, to tell the future and aid them in their hunts/missions

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