Kraemian War of Secession Military Conflict in Lerulious | World Anvil
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Kraemian War of Secession

In the 42nd year of Record, following two years of heavy taxation, Kraem withdraws the territories that he administrates in western Fonzia, and declares them to be a new State, named for himself. Moralus joins him. This act of rebellion prompts Arya, The Hero King to raise an army, along with Braig and Paris, to crush the rebellion and restore the unity of Fonzia. The initial conflict takes place in late 42, and there is little headway made by Fonzia's army to the west before the bitter winter forces them to retreat and wait for the spring to begin again.   What follows is a long and bloody war that eventually expands. As it becomes clear that Arya's forces do not have the capability to easily crush Kraem's army, Grast withdraws his own territory in the east as well, forcing a war on two fronts for Arya and his allies.   In the end, the Kraemian War of Secession drew to a close with Fonzia forced to recognize both the Kingdom of Kraem and the Kingdom of Dubria.
Conflict Type
War, Theatre
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The nations of Kraem and Dubria secured their independence, which was recognized by Fonzia.

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