Nous, soussignés, jurons solennellement que le porteur de ce document se nomme Kastor Aloysius Lieberung.
Ingrid Zicherman,
prêtresse Temple de Sigmar, Nuln
Oskar Helmut,
maître de guilde Guilde des marchands, Nuln
Sous le regard de Julius Schwungrad,
Honorable Société des Avocats, Nuln
We, the undersigned, do solemnly swear and affirm that the bearer of this document is Kastor Aloysius Lieberung. Ingrid Zicherman, Priestess Temple of Sigmar, Nuln
Oskar Helmut, Guild Master Guild of Merchants, Nuln
Witnessed by Julius Schwungrad, Worshipful Company of Advocates, Nuln
We, the undersigned, do solemnly swear and affirm that the bearer of this document is Kastor Aloysius Lieberung. Ingrid Zicherman, Priestess Temple of Sigmar, Nuln
Oskar Helmut, Guild Master Guild of Merchants, Nuln
Witnessed by Julius Schwungrad, Worshipful Company of Advocates, Nuln