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Croiseur Léger Fierté de l'Horizon

Power Generation

The Horizon’s Pride is a glimmering light cruiser. Over the centuries, the Lan dynasty covered its many battle scars with copper laurels. The burnished leaves now virtually encrust the ship; the metal garden testifies to the ship’s endurance. The Horizon’s interior is equally elaborate, although its ornamentation has not fared as well in the weathering effects of a shipboard atmosphere recycled for centuries. The Lan family crest—a rapier and a broken quill—features prominently in the engravings. The crew wear uniforms strongly reminiscent of the Imperial Navy, and move with an uncanny symmetry that can almost be explained by long hours of formation drilling. The grand scale of the vaulted corridors and ceilings easily accommodates armoured Battle-Brothers. Lan offers each Battle-Brother a lavishly appointed state room for the duration of the journey. If they inquire about something less luxuriant, Lan replies that the barracks are all occupied by his crew, and that while more grandiose accommodations are available, the only remaining quarters are cells in the brig.


Staterooms Each Battle-Brother is offered a stateroom befitting the dignitaries and high-ranking military personnel the ship often transports. More gleaming copper laurels trim the rooms of the decadent suites, and each one is carpeted with unique and exotic weaves. Most of the furniture is too dainty for a Space Marine, but the ostentatiously large canopy beds can accommodate even a Battle-Brother if he chooses to sink into the thick velvet covers.

Weapons & Armament

command Bridge The Command Bridge is without a doubt the most elaborately bedecked vista on the Horizon’s Pride. Sturdy glass panels depicting stellar bodies alternate with ancient cogitators and sensorium reporters. Every luminator is held aloft by a lifelike statue, and the eye can travel no more than a few centimetres without encountering some surface inlaid with precious stone or metal. The command throne sits recessed in the rear wall with an arch of cherubs carved above it.

Armor and defense

Lan’s Study Lan’s study is mercifully free of excess decoration. Its panels of strange amber wood emit a soft glow that bathes the room. Across from his desk is the room’s centrepiece: a bas relief in marbled metal depicting a swirl of geometric shapes. Adjoining the study is his library, full of rare tomes towering to the ceiling and even rarer alien artefacts in glass cases. The items on display in the library are harmless, the type of novelties tolerated in the hands of those who can afford them: a Jokaero digital laser, a wraithbone pendant, an ork tooth, and other similar trophies.

Communication Tools & Systems

The Brig If any of the Battle-Brothers opts for more austere accommodations, Lan is as good as his word. Upon request, he makes available several unlocked cells in the prison block. These tiny, unadorned rooms are not dissimilar from the Battle-Brothers’ personal quarters on Watch Fortress Erioch. However, while their cells are solid and private, there are less comfortable holdings deeper in the brig. There, greasy runoff from the engine rooms above drips through stacked cages where less illustrious prisoners languish. One such prisoner is Kohl Bennex (see below), who pleads with the Battle-

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