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Flotte-Ruche Dagon


From the moment that Lord Militant Tetrarchus named it, there has been controversy as to whether Hive Fleet Dagon was worthy of this designation. Certain members of the Administratum, including some associated with the Crusade, feel that the incursion is a splinter tendril from Hive Fleet Behemoth. They argue that the designation may be seen as a ploy to draw extra support for the Crusade. More conservative elements, including leaders of several Adeptus Astartes chapters, are concerned that this threat is the leading edge of an entirely new Tyranid invasion. Several of the Lord Militant’s advisors have urged him to withdraw the naming, but he has not conceded to these requests.   The fi rst noticeable difference between these invaders and those of Hive Fleet Behemoth is that of colouration. Those xenos belonging to Hive Fleet Behemoth had a blackened carapace that faded to a deep blue in places. In contrast, the xenos that have been seen in the Jericho Reach generally have a carapace that is a mid blue, which shades to dark grey. Similarly, the exposed fl esh of the xenos in Hive Fleet Behemoth tended towards a shade of blood red, while these specimens are generally seen in darker shades of red that edge towards purple. Members of the Divisionis Biologis have been unable to identify the reasons for this variation. The hues are remarkably consistent throughout the hive fl eet, so these adaptations are unlikely to grant camoufl age on any particular world. Rather, they are thought to be acharacteristic of the source genetic materials of the fl eets. Morphologically, the comparable biomorph strains are similar, but not identical with those of Hive Fleet Behemoth. Comparable strains show different placement and structures of their bony armour plates. In some cases, these changes have been substantial enough that defenders have incorrectly identifi ed different biomorph strains. This was particularly true with the head crests of the Tyranid Warrior strains. Those on the specimens within the Jericho Reach are substantially more pronounced than the ones which characterised these strains on Ultramar. The Genestealer strains identifi ed on infi ltrated planets have shown variants that were not frequently observed during the battles with Hive Fleet Behemoth. Specimens with feeder tendrils have been a comparatively common sight. These closely resemble examples which were once believed to have come from the moons of Ymgarl. In contrast, few fi eld reports have indicated the presence of large talons on any of the Genestealer specimens defeated to date. Some of the specimens have also indicated colouration changes that may be suited to better blend in with patterns used in Imperial architecture. The Adeptus Mechanicus have not clarifi ed if these variations are due to a genetic predilection of Hive Fleet Dagon or simply a situational adaptation made as these xenos breed. Spore Mines have been dropped from orbit and fi red into defensive outposts by living artillery pieces. Anecdotal reports of the specimens seen during the Orpheus Salient’s battles suggest that they have been exceptionally effective at piercing defences. Samples recovered from damaged Imperial armour indicate that these utilise an exceptionally potent bio-acid. Notably, the enzymes and catalysts that have been identifi ed are not consistent with anything that was observed during the advance of Hive Fleet Behemoth. Veterans of the wars with Hive Fleet Behemoth have posited that these may be an adaptation derived specifi cally to penetrate the ceramite armour used by the Adeptus Astartes. Many Magos Biologis of the Adeptus Mechanicus in the Crusade believe it is premature to make analyses of the larger Tyranid creatures until the Crusade has more experience with this threat. Initial reports suggest that some of these specimens may be larger, incorporating additional armour and a greater variety of natural weaponry than previously observed. However, many of these reports are fragmentary, largely due to a low survival rate among observers. Preliminary analysis suggests that some of these strains, particularly the Carnifex, may have incorporated genetic material obtained by Hive Fleet Behemoth. Some Tech- Priests have argued that this could be a sign that this fl eet is derived from a tendril of Behemoth. Others have countered that this supports their theories regarding transmission of genetic data between different hive fl eets. If their theory concerning genetic transmission is correct, additional adaptations may soon be observed, as further worlds are lost to the swarm. Variations have also been seen among the armaments used by the various Tyranid organisms. The specimens involved in this assault have strongly favoured the use of the weapons designated as fl eshborers. Fewer examples of devourers and spinefi sts have been seen during Termagant assaults than strains seem to favour fl eshborers over the previously characteristic bio-plasma attacks. The living ‘ammunition’ of these fl eshborers also seems markedly different than specimens recovered from the battles in Ultima Segmentum. While effectively comparable, these specimens have a thicker outer shell and an enlarged boring proboscis. Data compiled by fi eld chirurgeons has produced debate among the Crusade’s Tech-Priests, but no conclusions regarding whether or not these weapon variations are more effective. SCOPE Based upon the time stamps of various incident reports, Hive Fleet Dagon has no fewer than three subfl eets. Reports of historical Tyranid strategies suggest that a hive ship rarely leaves a system prior to completing the assimilation and destruction of all planets within that system. As there are large-scale attacks currently in progress on no fewer than nine systems, Crusade tacticians, including the Lord Militant, have been unable to reconcile this broad battlefront with the notion of a limited engagement by a Tyranid splinter fl eet. Each of these subfl eets requires a separate hive ship to coordinate its Hive Mind. In order to ultimately defeat the Tyranid attack, each subfl eet must be eliminated, so that the Hive Mind throughout the Reach may be compromised. Until that happens, surviving hive ships could travel to a contested system, throwing their added might into a battle. Coordinating the battle plan to simultaneously defeat all of these ships may be impossible while dealing with the limitations of astrotelepathic previous reports would have suggested. Similarly, Gargoyle messaging under the shadow of the Warp.   At this time, scouting reports have not provided the Crusade’s command elements with information to clearly defi ne the scope of Hive Fleet Dagon. The Orpheus Salient has met the leading edge of Tyranid incursion, and there have been no successful missions to penetrate and monitor deeper into the advance. Numerous vessels have been sacrifi ced in the effort to determine if these initial attacks represent the entirety of the Tyranid forces.


The Tyranid attack into the Jericho Reach has left the forces of the Imperium confused and disordered. In part, this is because the Tyranids spread a shadow in front of their advance which disrupts the Astropathic communication on which the Imperium relies. Additionally, the Achilus Crusade has no means of knowing how many Tyranids swarm in the void towards the rim. This confusion has meant that no accurate verified estimation of the strength of the Tyranid forces has been made by the High Command, and both the Space Marines (and more importantly, the Deathwatch) have not shared their findings openly with the Crusade forces. In an atmosphere of rising panic and little information, some have claimed that the Tyranids must have vast numbers, while others judge that there is no evidence that supports anything other than an attack by a small splinter fleet, numbering perhaps a score of bioships. Most examining the unfolding situation, however, agree that they are facing a splinter of Hive Fleet Behemoth which became detached before or during the breaking of the great hive fleet in 745.M41. Although some amongst the Magos Biologos, Ordos Xenos and Administratum disputed the correctness of attaching a new designation to the Tyranid forces facing the Jericho Reach, such a designation was given on 989814.M41 by Lord Militant Tetrarchus. Once, it may have begun as a splinter of a greater fleet, but it was now a threat in and of itself—a threat of the present, not the victorious past. As such, it was given a name from ancient times that spoke of dooms and monsters dreamed of in an archaic age. That name is Hive Fleet Dagon.

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