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“May the gates hold against the beast without. May the stones of the wall be firm beneath my feet. May my blade drink deep of the foe and never be satisfied. May I not feel the touch of fear at the death that is my service. May I stand a warrior, and if I fall, may I fall with my blade in my hand.” –Spoken by Ivar Ravensclaw, Wolf Guard of the Space Wolves Chapter, on the morning of the first spores falling on Hethgard


Hethgard and Pyrathas took longer, both due to distance and agreater resistance by their populations. Hethgard especially posed a problem for the Crusaders, and though many of its nations and minor city states were welcoming of the Imperium (or at least not foolish enough to oppose it), some resisted or tried to subvert the Crusaders. Achilus expressly forbade excessive planetary bombardment as the mines were too valuable, and so it fell to the Imperial Guard to root the enemy out themselves. Though it was not known at the time, agents of the Stigmartus had infi ltrated Hethgard and stirred up some of its population against the Crusade, turning mines into underground fortress temples and people into slaves of the Dark Gods. Hethgard was eventually subdued, though not before thousands of guardsmen had lost their lives, hacked to death in the dark depths of her mines.     Hethgard is an Imperial Fortress world and the location that has most recently come under attack from the Tyranid threat. Hethgard was a once mining world whose mountains and chains of dormant volcanoes were long ago stripped of the great wealth of rare metallic ores they contained. What remained afterwards were plains of shattered stone that glimmered with a metallic sheen, broken mountains riddled with echoing passages, and numberless unmapped shafts. Although sucked dry of resources, the fortress engineers of the Achilus Crusade found Hethgard was perfectly suited for Lord Militant Achilus’s strategic needs. Many of Hethgard’s mountainsides were sheathed in armoured skins, and generators, storehouses and barracks were sunk deep into the abandoned mine-workings. The defences were ringed with thousands of miles of walls, razorwire, and mines, while chambers deep within the mountain fortresses were converted to vast magazines to feed the thousands of weapon emplacements that crowned the armoured mountain summits. Thus, Hethgard was converted into a mighty fortress to protect the Crusade’s flank and an armoury for its forces second only to Karlack itself. In the three decades it has stood, no enemy has taken Hethgard. However, its defences have been seriously tested twice: once by the marauding Ork freebooters of the Brass Eye, and once by an unknown, powerful, non-humanoid xenos-form who attacked in black orb-like war machines. These raiders were driven off thanks, in part, to the timely intervention of the Deathwatch.   Indomitable though it is, Hethgard has yet to face its greatest test. Attacking in overwhelming numbers, Hive Fleet Dagon has fallen on the Fortress world in great strength. Millions of creatures were slain by the guns of Hethgard in the opening hours of the conflict when the enemy first made planetfall. However, the Tyranid spores and screaming winged-creatures came in ever greater numbers until they covered the glistening grey plains between the mountains, their carapaces gleaming like a living sea. Since the first spores fell, the assault has not let up, and no matter how many Tyranids the Imperial defenders slay, more seem to come. Aid and reinforcements have not yet come to Hethgard. Though tens of thousands defend its walls, with contingents of the Space Wolves and Storm Wardens providing battle-leadership, the numbers and extensive supplies of its defenders are not without limit. Hethgard will fail in time if the balance of the war cannot be swung in their favour. Should Hethgard perish, one of the greatest Fortress worlds in the Jericho Reach will fall, and open a breach to the heart of the Crusade.
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