British Pagan
Paganism is the native religion of Britain. In Arthur’s time, many of the kingdoms outside of Logres have never converted to Christianity. Even within Logres, many individuals have not abandoned their ancestral beliefs. This folk is called pagans, and their religion is paganism.
Several pagan practices exist in the land, but I concentrate here on the Cymric one, which some knights in Salisbury may still follow if their players wish. Throughout the game, the potential conflict of these religions is ignored in favor of High Adventure rather than low prejudice.
Paganism is important to the game because the wilds of the forest and glen, of mountain and seaside, are inhabited by the Faerie, mystical beings who are descendants and worshipers of the ancient gods. Their powers and influence are loosed upon the land later in the campaign, during the Enchantment of Britain. As well, many of the human magicians of Britain are pagans.
British Paganism extols: Lustful, Energetic, Generous, Honest, Proud
Mythology & Lore
They count as gods only those phenomena that they can perceive and by whose power they are plainly helped, the Sun, Fire, and Moon; others they do not know even from hearsay.