Hartilian Guard

Protectors of the Pentiwichens

We have served you and your forefathers dutifully, my Emperor, but the time has come for our guard to disband. We are a shell of our former selves and many of the traditions that the earlier members of the Guard followed have withered into obscurity. We are still loyal, of course, and if we may, we would like to continue our service, but as proud landed vassals.
— Ihleich Sôlwech, Commander of the Hartilian Guard
  The Hartilian Guard was an elite unit of bodyguards that served to protect the House of Pentiwichen in the Empire of Pallernen until the end of the 200 year interregnum and ascension of Âldal IV. They kept the rightful heirs to the imperial throne safe, preparing and educating them in the art of governance and politics while they plotted to restore their liege’s birthright. Once their valiant efforts to restore order in the empire had born fruit and the interregnum had been brought to an end, the Hartilian Guard disbanded, putting down their blades in exchange for becoming landed vassals of the emperor.  


Disorder ripped through the Empire of Pallernen in 1270 AA when the Ocher Outbreak ravaged both courts and streets with equal viciousness. The reigning emperor at the time, Ianichel II, ordered his personal protectors, the Hartilian Guard, to take his only child, Âldal, to safety. Gal Ûlwel Echewichen, the Commander of the Hartilian Guard, had expressed his concern that the move would leave the emperor and court defenceless, but Ianichel was desperate and dying from the disease.  

Lost in the Shadows

When the emperor died and his younger brother, Âldiwel, sought to usurp the throne, the Hartilian Guard and the heir they protected vanished. Not a trace of them could be found, and the uncertainty surrounding their rightful monarch’s whereabouts led to theories and speculation.   In order to prove their liege’s legitimacy, Commander Echewichen penned a letter claiming that whoever brings the letter to the government in Aûrkustel is the rightful heir to the throne. He had hoped that it would help Âldal once he was ready to take the throne, but the prince aired on the side of caution. He instead secured his bloodline and passed the Letter of Legitimacy down to his descendants until Âldal IV confronted the Final Council in 1490 AA.

Honourable Retirement

During the two centuries of disunity, the Hartilian Guard had begun to wither as their leaders and most of the experienced members aged. Finding recruits was a struggle when they were intent on remaining hidden from the world and so most of their new members were their own sons and daughters.   By the time Emperor Âldal IV ascended to the throne of Pallernen, the guard was a shell of its former self, but all its members held a dynastic bond to the House of Pentiwichen and remained true to the oaths that their forefathers had taken. After the coronation, the Guard had removed their cloaks and presented them to the emperor with their blades atop the fabric. The Hartilian Guard had come to an end, but the faithful guards continued their service as vassals.
Flag of the Empire of Pallernen
Flag of the Empire of Pallernen
1496 AA
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
House of Pentiwichen
Organization | Sep 3, 2024

The House of Pentiwichen is the mighty and influential imperial household of the monarchs of the Empire of Pallernen that was founded by Tiyla the Blessed in 1058.


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Aug 12, 2024 22:27 by Marjorie Ariel

The same secret group dedicated to the rightful heirs for 200 years? It's kind of a love story, in a way.

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