Letter of Legitimacy

He is Âldal, the one true Emperor of Pallernen, or a direct descendant of his should His Imperial Highness choose to secure his line more throughly during his own lifetime, leaving the throne to an heir. None but the rightful ruler of these lands could ever come into possession of this letter. It is your duty as the governors of our capital and subjects of the crown to welcome him with open arms. Your monarch has returned!
— Gal Ûlwel Echewichen, Commander of the Hartilian Guard
  The Letter of Legitimacy was a message written to the Final Council of Aûrkustel by Gal Ûlwel Echewichen, the Commander of the Hartilian Guard. Written nineteen years after the Ocher Outbreak had killed the previous Emperor of Pallernen, Ianichel II, leading to a chaotic interregnum, the message was a declaration to the governing body of the old imperial capital that the lost heir to the throne, or one of their descendants, had finally returned. Although Âldal the Lost remained hidden from the world and refused to claim his father's throne, one of his descendants would eventually do so generations later.    Nearly 200 years after the letter was written, a descendant of the lost heir, a man who also bore the name Âldal, stood before the Final Council and handed them the letter. The councillors were skeptical at first, but after confirming the signature and seeing men bearing the ancient armour of the emperor’s elite guard standing proud beside the young man, the council welcomed him. Some even wept, for their long wait was finally over. Their families had served the House of Pentiwichen dutifully for 220 years while the throne stood empty and, for their loyalty, they were generously rewarded. Without Ûlwel Echewichen's letter and his signature, it would have been far more difficult for the legitimate heir to the throne to return, leaving the remnants of the empire divided and weak against foreign invaders.
Text, Letter
Vellum / Skin
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1293 AA
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