Week of Âldiwel

It is a black stain on the history of our realm that such a dastardly deed could even occur and yet despite the crimes of Âldiwel it is nonetheless regretful that he had died that day.   With the crown prince and his guards having vanished without a trace, the pretender could have been the last of his blood. For years that it what we had feared. The Final Council governed for over two centuries with the lingering doubt in their hearts that they might have ended the family they swore to serve.
— History of the Interregnum
  The Week of Âldiwel was a short period in which Âldiwel, the younger brother of the deceased Emperor of Pallernen, Ianichel II, sought to usurp the crown from his one-year-old nephew, Âldal. The ambitious pretender used the chaos and panic of the Ocher Outbreak and the death of their monarch to his advantage, pressing his claim to the throne when the Hartilian Guard, the defenders of the imperial family, were away, escorting the crown prince to safety. Despite his initial success in the ever-changing political environment of the realm, Âldiwel was ultimately unsuccessful as he was murdered by those loyal to the true heir a week into his unlawful reign. He was succeeded by the Final Council which governed the remnants of the empire in Âldal's name.    


Stunned from the rampaging plague and the sudden betrayal, the courtiers loyal to their deceased emperor and his young son were in shambles, unable to stop Âldiwel and the small group of conspirators that he’d persuaded to join his side through promises and bribes.   Many of those who had aided the usurper were lowborn guards and servants, but a few noblemen were also amongst his ilk, hoping that by placing their trust in Âldiwel they could further enrich their families.

Loyalist Resistance

Several days into the reign of the yet-to-be-crowned usurper, an order was sent out to find Âldal and bring him back to Aûrkustel. Preparation for a quick private coronation was now underway, prompting those loyal to the lawfully legitimate heir, Âldal, to organise and plot their next moves. The loyalists had quickly realised that the vast majority of the court was on their side, emboldening them to strike sooner than they had initially hoped.   Exactly a week into his reign as he was making his way into the throne room to hold court for the first time, the loyalists struck. Those who were inept at combat had assisted by distracting many of the conspirators tasked with the pretender’s protection, drawing them away from the scene of the attack before it took place. Others had also poisoned Âldiwel’s supporters, either with rat poison or by cooking with meat that had gone foul. It had been remarkably easy to get close enough to strike the false emperor down and before the other conspirators could react, loyalists drew out their hidden blades and plunged them into their necks and backs. The halls were drenched in the blood of traitors, although a few of the loyalists had also fallen.  


With the traitors dead or fleeing, the councillors that had helped the previous monarch manage the day-to-day affairs of the empire formed the Final Council, a governing body for the empire which could rule until the proper heir to the throne was found. The devastation caused by the plague, the disappearance of their rightful emperor, and the chaos of the coup had, however, led to a chain of events which saw to the crumbling of the empire and the beginning of a long period known as the interregnum. All that remained under the Council’s control was the old capital, Aûrkustel, and some of its surrounding territories.
Flag of the Empire of Pallernen
Flag of the Empire of Pallernen
Conflict Type
Covert Operation
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Âldiwel's death, conspirators executed or exiled
Âldal's Loyalists
Âldiwel's Conspirators
Final Council
Total - 201
201 Loyalists
Total - 51
52 Conspirators
Total - 12
12 Loyalists
Total - 26
26 Conspirators
Total - 189
189 Loyalists
Total - 25
25 Conspirators

Âldiwel's Apologists

The consensus among historians is that Âldiwel was a greedy knave who betrayed his family when they were all at their weakest, all for his own personal gain. Such a view of the situation has been prevalent since the start of the interregnum, but there are a few of those who believe that the pretender acted out of duty and honour instead of his own ambitious. Such apologists believe that Âldiwel had genuinely wished to bring his nephew back home so that he his presence could unite the people. They claim that he merely sought to act as regent while the true heir was still a child.


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