BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Universal Equivalency

The actual workings of magical abilities are unclear to most common folk of the world, however the little understanding they do have could not be more wrong.   Most commoners believe magic to be an entirely innate energy shaped by practitioners into whatever they wish, alongside this it is believed that the few who practice magic are chosen to be bestowed with this talent by the gods.   In actuality though there are varying talents magic can be entirely taught and there is no innate energies involved, due to the nature of the worlds creation the very energies around individuals can be shaped and changed if one is taught how. Proper teaching is key as each manipulation of these energies is just that, manipulation, no energy can be created and if changed its opposite is manfiested in the caster as the world seeks to correct the change.   Immediate danger awaits un-prepared practioners as when casting a spell as simple as firebolt. In order to create the heat the caster is drained of their natural warmth putting the body into a critical condition and then the inverse of the force the bolt travels with is pushed into their weakened body often instantly killing the unprepared.    To mitigate this wizards learn to channel the backlash into ingredients and focuses, also speaking incantations spreading the force of the cast across the outward breaths of multiple words and phrases. Sorcerers are more chosen but oft by pure chance as ancestors daliances with external forces find a home in the sorcerer. This enables the caster to manipulate these energies through their externally reinforced blood and or bodies or naturally gifted at converting the energies in manners to dissapate the effects.    This principal also guides artificers as they build devices to channel these energies automatically creating items able to mimic spells though the backlash means these devices require regular skilled maintenance.


A robed figure reaches an arm upward, the sleeve falls to the elbow as a skin smooth and hairless is revealed, glittering on the long slender fingers are various multifaceted gems anchored in rich silver rings.  Dried leaves are pinned against the palm, there is a thin mist just beyond the outstretched hands from beneath the hood comes a puff of misting air as a icy chill radiates out.  Thrum, a low hum is emitted from the rings as the metal begins to glow hotter. The figure begins to murmur.  Each breath is laboured as if the figures throat is constricted though their form is unimpeded, flames begin to lick between the rings and a bolt of pure blue ice forms from the mist ahead of the figures hand.  Crack, the gems shatter and the shards fall softly to the ground, the bolt cuts through the air like a blade as the figure falls silent. It crosses the distance between the figure and a nearby tree in an instant before embedding itself between aged knots. The figure lowers their hand, billowing fabric falling to hide their apendage once more. Ash still gently kindling with embers flutters down from their palm.


Across all lands parents watch their young closely. Keeping a steady vigil for any early signs of magical aptitude. Often there are tales of the dangers of unrestricted magic and the casualties of untrained use.   In the southern Kingdom of Brettanica the Elevated cites ensure through roving mage hunters any children found with an aptitude are brought to Scientia to be properly trained.   Though among elven communities rife with magical aptitute they rely on each parent to guide their young to control there abilities in order to avoid any danger.   In rumours and tales there are whispers of those born with the ability to naturally channel their magical abilities, some do not believe having seen the raw power possible to be unleashed but some know that surely something so common place could be adapted to even by mortal folk.

This article has no secrets.


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