Arcadian Hills Geographic Location in Levantis | World Anvil
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Arcadian Hills


Death is not the end, at least not entirely. That much is known. Some may go to Hell where they will be able to play their corrupt games for centuries more, but for most life will have an end. The Gods could recognize that immortality rarely led to anything good, and they have built the afterlife around propagation of the cycle of life rather than stagnation. Eventually everyone's soul and elemental energy will pass on and be taken up in the cycle again, but for a while they may rest here in Arcadia.  


The Arcadian Hills is an endless series of featureless, green valleys in between flat-topped mountains. The celestials are housed on the mountaintops from where they can watch over the souls of the dead as they mill about. These souls are gathered in the valleys, each having a valley of varying size to themselves. They appear as pale green spectres that cannot physically interact with their surroundings, but here they may think on their past life with perfect clarity. They feel a sense of perpetual bliss and contentment that is naturally induced by the plane itself. This is meant to be a time of calm reflection on one's life.   Now, at its essence the plane is a featureless undulating landscape, but that isn't the case in practice. Anyone with a will strong enough can imprint their will on the surrounding landscape and shape it as they wish, furthermore a person's valley grows according to their willpower as well. For people this effect is somewhat limited, allowing them to for example recreate a locale they remember from a past life. But for the celestials who are absolute in their nature, they have nearly full control and they can create opulent palaces or stunningly beautiful environments on their mountains.   Everyone who stays here, does so temporarily. Eventually everyone must pass on, to have their souls and essence be returned to the cycle of life. A person can remain here for as long as they are remembered by a living person, which means that those who are famous can remain in Arcadia for a long time. The more people that remember them, the more they remain cognizant of their surrounding and can retain a sense of self. But this grows less and less as fewer people remember them, and when the last living person who remembers them dies, the Gate appears in front of them. When it appears they instinctively know it is time and can do nothing but move through it, passing on into the cycle.
Alternative Name(s)
The Spectrelands

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