Ashen Rain Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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Ashen Rain

(a.k.a. The Mad Dragon)


When the mad dragon Xindrunoth died after rampaging through the Burnished Hills, his corrupted soul gave birth to a savage, confused demon. Having spawned from a very powerful soul that already suffered from multiple personalities, Ashen Rain quickly became a force to be reckoned with as he went on a rampage to sate his taste for souls and numb the voices in his head. After rampaging to his heart's content, he went into a deep sleep underground for hundreds of years. When he awoke once again he saw his goal more clearly, although it was still as destructive as before. His behavior can be erratic and highly depends on which of the voices is dominant at any point. His personality varies from greedy and power-hungry to nihilistic and destructive. Above all though, he desires the power to burn down the entire world so he can silence the voices in his head. Despite all this, he enjoys manipulating the lesser beings into serving his cause, being very willing to share his power with mortals so that they may cultivate it and return it to him with interest upon their deaths.  


His cult is not particularly large, and hides away from the eyes of the general populace. He has worshipers among all species, although he is particularly revered among the dragon-worshiping kobolds and evil dragons. His cult prospers in times of chaos such as during wars and they cause destruction wherever they go. Most of his worship however comes from making pacts with mortals in exchange for powerful magic. These warlocks are granted magical boons such as fire resistance, an overbearing presence and of course, spellcasting ability. Their signature spells mimicked his own and included destructive fire magic, earth-shattering disasters and maddening hexes.  


He appears as an enormous ashen-colored dragon whose face is covered with a form-fitting bone mask. The flesh around his rib cage is withered and drawn back, exposing the rib cage so the fiery heart that brightly burns within it can be clearly seen. Bones jut out from his back along his spine and his bat-like wings appear so thin as to be almost translucent as they are illuminated by the fire.  


Ashen Rain may have been driven mad, but he is still extremely powerful. His presence alone is enough to terrify most creatures, and those who do not flee are liable to be caught up in the madness he radiates. His claws can tear buildings asunder and the stinger on his tail injects enemies with a poison that causes enemies to age rapidly, shrivel up and die. Not only is he physically imposing and naturally capable of flight, but he is a capable spellcaster. He can innately cast destructive spells such as, but not limited to, Meteor Swarm, Earthquake, Destructive Wave, Maelstrom and Storm of Vengeance. He also possesses spells that spread his madness to others such as Maddening Darkness, Feeblemind, Crown of Madness and Confusion.
Oh child who thinks himself grown, empty mind filled with inherited thoughts about what we 'must', thought to be new. What 'must' be in our world is pain and death. Bartering one against the other until the gods fall as empty screams echo voicelessly in the void and we will finally be free of the voices. The voices in the backs of our minds that tell us what we 'must', 'must not' and every other hollow choice in between.
Divine Classification

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