Jégorian Mountain Holds Organization in Levantis | World Anvil
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Jégorian Mountain Holds


Back when the Gods first turned against the Giants, they fled to the most remote corners of the world. A particular group of Frost Giants called the Jégorians decided to flee all the way down here to Mészbanya, where they could hide in the glacier mountains. In time the persecution stopped, but this caused a rift between different factions of the Giants who held different opinions. One side believed that they should redeem themselves by working with the mortal humanoid races in harmony, while others thought this would draw undue attention to themselves and invite disaster from the Gods. Those who wished to isolate themselves stayed withdrawn within the Durvaszan Mountains, where they violently warded off any who would come close to retain their territory while appeasing the Gods with their pain and bloodshed.
  Things changed when the people of Brémeny started to industrialize and drew the malevolent attention of Bába Szélanya. She cleverly played on the envy and resentment of the jégorian Giants to pit them against the brémenyans. Things fell apart when they found out that the old hag wanted to rule over these people, while they simply wanted to wipe them off the map so they could live in hateful isolation again. The infighting between the Giants and the Fae gave an opening to the brémenyans and they were rebuffed. Now they once again bide their time in their mountain holds to the east of Brémeny, waiting for another opportunity to raid the smaller mortals and relish in their self-depreciating violence.


The jégorian Giants greatly respect raw strength, but they also value brutal cunning. They frequently compete against each other and they are boastful of their own achievements in battle and the hunt. When they aren't hunting, fighting or maintaining their equipment, they are often aloof, restlessly wandering the cold environment surrounding their mountain holds. They also keep animals and monsters that they domesticate to guard their homes or aid in the hunt such as young remorhazes, winter wolves and polar bears. They find them to be more palatable to deal with than intelligent humanoids as well, less arrogant and more likely to respect simple strength.   They strongly hold onto the old traditions and beliefs that the Gods only respect violence and speak through pain and blood (see Giants article for details). As an extension of this they maintain a particular tradition regarding lycanthropy. They have passed on weremammoth lycanthropy throughout generations, even while the mammoths themselves have mostly died out by now. They willingly submit to the disease and the violent temper that comes with it, and the condition is considered to be a sign of status and a position of honor.

Blood and Ice Run Through our Veins

Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Jégorian Hordes
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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