Odenmark Geographic Location in Levantis | World Anvil
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Odenmark, also known as The Great Wilderness or the Proto-Wilds, is an Outer Plane aligned to more chaotic right axis of the cosmology, and the closest in location to the Far Realm. It is a realm of unbounded nature, where there are hardly any civilizations and the only rules are survival and strength. Here the weak die young, and the strong grow old and most of all, big.   The first thing that stands out about the realm is the sheer size of things, everything is enormous. Both the plant-life and the wild-life can grow to gargantuan proportions, and the environment has the proportions to match. The place is full of majestic mountains, craggy canyons, untouched forests, rolling hills and all other manner of familiar terrain, but while the trees begin just like normal saplings they can grow up to two-hundred meters high and even the most humble shrubbery can grow to dwarf a single-story house on the Prime Plane. For some of the smaller inhabitants of this plane, such as werecreatures, this megaflora can often serve as shelter or housing.   But anyone who would see a simple shrub or tree as potential housing has to be wary of the other inhabitants of the plane, which contains many forms of megafauna as well. There are bears, wolves, owls and all manner of other creatures (some even stranger still and without a Prime Plane analogue) that can grow up to gargantuan sizes of 20-40 meters tall/long. Their steps send tremors through the grounds and their roars can cause small buildings to collapse, which is why most of the smaller species who live here are those who are not as affected by such things, such as elementals or dryads.   One of the scariest creatures for smaller folk is the Jormunptera, an elephant-sized beast similar to a cicada. Their wing vibrations are piercing and destructive, and even worse during the mating call. They passively damage their surroundings and they are carnivorous as well, preying on things weaker than them. The larvae are roughly horse-sized grubs that eat the corpses of their parents, then start destroying plant-life and even pull under smaller creatures when the time is near for their pupation. Then it just stops, until the pupation completes and the reborn monster takes to the air.  


Among all these enormous beasts also live elementals, dryads, werecreatures and even some Fae and Demons. But the only semblance of actual civilization on the plane is that of the Giants, who fled here after the Elder Titans fell and life on the Prime Plane became more difficult. They have built small settlements here, often making use of the natural terrain and flora present for shelter and to avoid some of the worse megafauna. Their societies are generally simple and their numbers are not too great, so they have to specialize. Everyone is tasked to find a niche that they can fulfill and no one else yet has. Since they mostly know each other, they do not see much use for names, and since there is such emphasis on the role one performs, one is often called by their job. For example a Fire Giant who is the local toolsmith for the town is simply called "Toolsmith", while the more simple-minded Hill Giant farmers are often called after what they cultivate e.g. "Giant Turnip" or "Cloud Cabbage".
Inhabiting Species

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