The Breaker of Chains Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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The Breaker of Chains

(a.k.a. The Prince of Liberation)


The Breaker of Chains is an Archdemon, who originally formed from the corrupted soul of a slaver sorcerer in the underground of a large city. The first individual whose soul he consumed was a slave pit fighter, and he inherited from the slave very strong feelings of bloodlust and resentment towards the slave's masters. With his demonic powers he swiftly slaughtered the masters, as well as the other pit fighters who lived in the barracks. He engorged himself on the large amount of souls and accumulated stronger feelings of resentment towards the slavers. He continued to rampage and eradicate those who exerted control over others, regardless of motivations or morals until he accumulated enough souls to turn into a powerful Archdemon. The drain of the ascension shook him out of his extreme bloodlust just in time to realize that he was drawing too much attention and avoid being hunted down by the celestials sent by the Gods. Ever since he has been expanding his influence by making deals with those who desire freedom.  


While people normally fear demons and wouldn't make a deal with them easily, the downtrodden and enslaved can be desperate enough for freedom to overcome these barriers. To such individuals he offers power to make their freedom a reality, in exchange for a promise to serve him by slaughtering and tearing down those who would enslave others, including those who enslaved them in the first place. It isn't hard to see why some would take such a deal, even if it means giving up their soul to him when they die.   His cults are smaller than those of other Archdemons, but no less zealous. His followers include all manner of creatures, but especially the weaker, oppressed species tend to favor him. These cults tend to anarchist ideologies as they resent the idea of being ruled by anyone else, leading to self-governed factions that tend to fall apart if they grow too large in size.  


In his demonic form The Breaker towers at nearly 14 feet in height, a skeleton shaped like a pit fiend draped in strips of flesh and muscle like a mummy is covered in bandages. The flesh, sinew and muscles cover his powerful skeleton in its entirety, with four minotaur-like horns jutting from his head, two to the side, two to the front. He also possesses two enormous bat-like wings and his arms are covered in rows of metal hooks with long iron chains attached to them.  


The Breaker does not shy away from conflict when it comes to him, rather he revels in the thrill of battle. Despite the lack of vocal organs he is capable of emitting terrifying, screeching roars through magical means that shake the heart of even the bravest individual. He skillfully whips around the six chains attached to his arms in a battle dance and, as they are part of his being, he can change their direction at any point. The chains also increase his mobility and he can whip them around himself to deflect attacks. While in this battle dance, his terrifying bloodlust can spread to anyone nearby, turning them into mindless battle maniacs. He constantly regenerates in battle, the strips of flesh attached to him growing in size to cover newly opened wounds. Being born from the soul of a sorcerer and having consumed many more souls, he is an accomplished spellcaster who is capable of innately casting a number of spells. The majority of these are geared towards either preventing an enemy from escaping him (e.g. Hold Person or Wall of Force), or allowing him to stick to his enemies and beating them down (e.g. Teleport, Haste or Freedom of Movement).

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A shattered chain.
Burn, stab, rip and tear. Show them you are the one to fear!
Divine Classification

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