The Jagged Rose Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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The Jagged Rose


Hunger, lust, desire, pleasure. These are the things that the Jagged Rose and his followers embrace, no matter the cost. Long ago, in the eastern dominion of the Khuagawa Tetrarchy there was a nobleman so vile and corrupt, that few dared go against him. He took for himself anything he desired, sleeping with any woman who caught his fancy, eating any exotic animal he could afford and inventing more new forms of torture than existed before his time. When his wife found out about his escapades, he brushed her aside, even going so far as tormenting her by taking one of his many slaves right in front of her. One day, when she could no longer live alongside someone so horrid, she snapped. She captured him in his sleep, chained him down, tortured him using his own tools and finally killed him. But while his body died, his soul was not yet content. There was so much more to be tried, so much more fun to be had. All the souls he had tortured had lingered, and caused an accumulation of dark energy. When his soul was freed from his body, he took in all the calls of agony around him and formed into a powerful demon.   Like most new demons do, he went on a spree of murder, sex, torture and generally gorged himself on all nearby mortals. He soon found out however, that this drew far more attention to him than he could stand to survive. While he could no longer afford to be seen in the open as he did in life, he knew quite well how things operate behind the scenes among the nobles of the tetrarchy. Thus he became the voice from the shadows, urging others to pursue gratification, hedonism and gluttony. He whispers and tempts, until eventually he can feast on the banquet of corrupted souls he has created.  


The hidden, thorny rose of the desert has a decent following among the higher classes of the Khuagawa Tetrarchy. Pursuing pleasure and desire is of course something that mortals naturally crave, and so it is only a simple matter of giving them that little push past their normal inhibitions. It starts with something small and not too depraved, but each little step is followed by another, until they become lost in the trappings of hedonism. His worshipers form their own secret circles that draw in more and more new participants, slowly spreading his influence among the ruling class. Most of his High Priests are female, as he has a clear preference for women and is more likely to grant them favors or power.    


In his demonic form, The Jagged Rose is an enormous, lithe humanoid whose skin has a polished obsidian tone. He has clawed feet, similar to most demons, but his hands are more like avian claws and he has a feral bird's beak on what would otherwise be an exceptionally beautiful face. He has no wings however, having no need for them with his inherent capability of magical flight.  


While a powerful demon in his own right, he has no real desire to enter any fights, rather manipulating others to do the fighting for him. He may not match up to some of the other Archdemons in raw strength, but he alone is divinely beautiful, allowing him to captivate his adversaries, leaving them weakened or even unable to fight back at all. Beyond this, he has a vast repertoire of spell-like abilities, particularly centered around illusions and enchantment magic. Messing with his opponent's senses and minds gives him another edge to abuse, before cleaving them in half with his favored weapons, a pair of curved blades called the Twin Blades of Khairab.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A thorny rose.
What could possibly be greater than chasing one's desires? If we weren't supposed to indulge in them, we wouldn't feel them so.
Divine Classification

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