The Lurker Below Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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The Lurker Below

(a.k.a. Prince of the Dark Waters, Tenundra)


The Lurker Below is a powerful Archdemon tied to the Gulf of Gaspari. It was born from the corrupted soul of a violent, tyrannical Sahuagin Baron who resented Kydross for his power, and how his people were forced to worship him. He swiftly went on a rampage, where he offered others of his kind a choice: join him and renounce Kydross, or be consumed. Of course many feared the long-standing God more than the new upstart, so he was able to consume many souls. Once he ascended to the title of Archdemon, he started to gain more respect and followers. Ever since he's been waging a drawn-out war with the other denizens of the sea that worship Kydross to attempt to drastically decrease his amount of followers, thereby decreasing his power as well. His goal is to eventually usurp Kydross and become the sole master of the sea. He has not been fighting much on the frontline however, instead he's been looking to corrupt individuals of some of the land-based mortal species as he thinks they could be the key to his victory.    


The vast majority of his followers are denizens of the sea, like sahuagin, merrows and corrupted merfolk. The merfolk have proven to be more difficult to corrupt however, and the ones that do turn often end up being his most powerful and favored servants. He has even turned a number of them into full-fledged demons that form his cadre of elite warriors. He has also converted a significant amount of the Kraken population to his side as well.   In recent centuries, he has become the subject of more and more folk tales in seaside settlements. Many of these were originally started by his own servants. These stories depict him as a powerful and terrifying master of the sea, but interestingly also less cruel and malevolent than Kydross. While this is untrue, the stories have already been spread and he almost has a more positive reputation than Kydross (although it is still a fearsome and negative one in general, as befitting of an Archdemon). Those who used worshiped Kydross out of fear of having their ships sunk or worse, are starting to shift their worship more and more towards the Prince of the Dark Waters, or 'Tenundra' as he has also begun to be called by mortals.  


His demonic form almost resembles that of a mixture of merrow and sahuagin. It is however far larger of course, and he possesses six arms in addition to three long snake-like heads that rise from his neck. He also sprouts countless smaller tentacles from his body that seem to almost flail around him and make it difficult to approach him.  


While he rarely deigns to go into battle himself, it is not for a lack of strength. He is naturally strong and his countless tentacles easily latch onto and lock down any enemy that gets remotely close to him. He is also exceptionally resistant to magic, even for his kind. He can spew forth clouds of a toxic, inky substance that limits his enemies' vision while sapping them of strength. He also possesses some innate magical abilities that allow him to create whirlpools and call riptides. These are especially effective within the water of course, which is his home terrain. While he might be slightly weaker than some of the other Archdemons outside of it, within the water he is deceptively strong and far trickier to deal with.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A trident, with the right tip broken off.
Some might call rebellion the truest form of worship, but I disagree. There is no one I so despise, and that deserves its power so little as that thing. And I will overcome it.
Divine Classification

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