The Mad Hound Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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The Mad Hound

(a.k.a. Lady Blackvine, The Bitch Queen (insult))


The wolves that stalk and hunt travelers, the vines that seem to have taken a life of their own and strangle a village. These signs of nature pushing back against civilization carry the mark of the Mad Hound. Long ago a failed blood ritual provided the energy for a corrupted soul to turn into a demon, a demon who then consumed all living souls within its vicinity. She appeared among a tribe of druids and barbarians who wished to bring down civilization and return things to the natural order. From them, the one now known as the Mad Hound inherited this desire. And from the abundant animals in the region, she inherited a feral viciousness and a drive to act on those wild instincts.   Despite her savage nature, she is not a fool. She is quite capable of subtle manipulation and trickery to achieve her desires, however she rarely chooses to do so, except for making pacts with more influential individuals to obtain powerful souls. She does not discriminate between species and followers of all races are welcome among her cult. With creatures that do not display any desire to serve her or further her goals however, she does not bother with discourse. In these cases she rather relishes at the chance to run wild and revel in her savage strength as she rends and tears any foe apart.  


The Cult of the Mad Hound has members among all species, even including corrupted fae and some of the more intelligent beasts such as minotaurs. The increasing industrialization that is occurring in many of the countries of Levantis and the increased need for natural resources that is the result of this, has caused a countermovement of those who worry about the rapid changes and the resulting damage caused to the environment. Especially druidic orders and smaller communities who desire to preserve nature have raised their voices in protest. This provided a fine opportunity for the cult to step in and subtly draw in more members by capitalizing on these concerns. The cult works as renegades who sabotage industrial advancements and attempt to tear down civilization to let nature back in.  


The Mad Hound roughly resembles a gigantic dire wolf with some marked differences. Her mouth looks canine, but it opens in four quarters revealing a split tongue, each quarter lined with rows upon rows of jagged teeth. While her back paws are similar to those of regular canine, her front paws look almost human though with long claws. Her skin is covered in a combination of scars and dark fur, and her right side is lined with ancient runic inscriptions and symbols from head to tail. Her left eye appears to be missing from its socket and blood perpetually streams from the open hole. When she meets a tough opponent she brings out her fang-like, runic battleaxe that is commonly referred to as the Feller's Folly.


The Mad Hound passively warps creatures in her vicinity to the extremes of their bestial aspects. At the same time, vines and branches slither along the ground, twisting and curling around enemies, slowly choking them to death. Having consumed the souls of many a druid, she also possesses some innate magical ability, although she rarely uses it. Instead she prefers to rampage across the battlefield, savagely tearing enemies limb from limb. Her fangs are said to contain a devastating poison that infects other with a feral madness like hers. The runes carved into her flesh protect her from most magic, so she can run amok unimpeded.
Civilization is a cage, rage against its chains; The beast inside wants to be free, an incarnation of nature without constraints; Revel in your instincts, taste the flesh and savor the day; Tear down civilization that stands in nature's way.
Divine Classification

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