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When the Catastrophe happened in the land now known as The Broken Plains many of the smaller hunter tribes were wiped out, while others turned to the Gods or whatever other forces may be to survive. One of these tribes whose name is now lost to time prayed to Hrimrur, The Three-Eyed Wolf. He heard their prayers, appeared before them and offered a condition: in exchange for power, they were to fight the unnatural undead that appeared in the region. Worn down by the undead's continuous assault and desperate for survival, they readily agreed despite there being no clear terms. Thus the Wulfen were born.   The change came suddenly, but not all changed equally. For some only their minds changed, and these mostly retained their human form. These regular Wulfen are larger than an average man, with skin caked brown by blood, they slink through the woods looking for their unliving prey. They often wear wolf hides or the rotted remains of their former clothes, making them look like horrid fusions of man and wolf from a distance.   Far worse are the High Wulfen, truly horrific amalgamations of wolf and men whose minds have been fractured under the weight of Hrimrur's power and vision. Those most affected by his power have gone far beyond what normal animals look like with their flesh ripped off in places. Their limbs are mixture of wolf's and men's far extended beyond normal length, their multiple eyes glow with purple fire and bones jut out of their bodies.  

Regional Impact

Despite their fearful reputation, there are those who revere the Wulfen. Shamans of tribes in the northern part of The Broken Lands, near where the Wulfen live, who have been in too close contact with the Wulfen and had their minds twisted or entirely consumed are called Wolfborn. While many of these shamans have been cast out of their tribes and now live in their own community, some are still allowed in their tribe of origin and spread their messages among the people. This has also caused tribes to occasionally try to call on the Wulfen for aid. Desperate times, call for desperate measures after all, and fear can be overcome when lives are at stake. These summonings require obscene rituals of bloodletting and human sacrifice and those who summon the Wulfen are often overwhelmed mentally and spiritually, ending up as more of their Wolfborn or even full Wulfen if they have the potential. Regardless, the Wulfen will see through any pact they make and any who find themselves on the opposite side of the Wulfen on a battlefield are sure to meet a gruesome end.  

Pact of the Wulfen

While their minds are now bound to the Wulfen, the Wolfborn do get the benefit of ancient knowledge and the feral instincts that these Wulfen possess. Occasionally someone who isn't Wolfborn also manages to make a pact with one of the Wulfen, although the reasons for this are often as mysterious as the Wulfen themselves. They are often commanded to clear out undead or other abominations, but there is always something that is just ever so slightly off, just ... something that hints at an unmentioned reason behind the tasks required of the ambitious, little warlock.   Expanded Spell List.
The Wulfen lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st Ice Knife, Fog Cloud
2nd Beast Sense, Enhance Ability
3rd Sleet Storm, Slow
4th Ice Storm, Confusion
5th Commune with Nature, Cone of Cold
Starting at 1st level you gain a measure of control over the powers of winter. As an action you can choose a point within 60 feet, you create a 20 foot radius square of slippery ice (see DMG p.110) centered on that point. You can use this ability an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1), regaining all uses on a long rest.   Visage of Horror.
At 6th level, you learn to manifestate an image of your frightening master. As a reaction when you take damage, you invoke the horrifying visage of your Wulfen master. Each enemy creature within 60 feet of you has to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be frightened of you until the end of its next turn. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.   Blessing of the Three-Eyed Wolf.
At 10th level you gain the same toughness that your master possesses. You gain resistance to cold damage if you do not have it already. As a bonus action you can grow a tough hide similar to that of your master, for 1 minute you have resistance to non-magical, non-silvered weapon damage. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.   Child of Winter.
Starting at 14th level you gain full mastery over your powers of cold and winter. As an action you can magically summon a storm of hail, snow and whipping winds in a 20 foot radius around you for 1 minute. Other creatures treat the radius as difficult terrain and when a creature starts their turn within the radius you can choose to force them to make a Constitution saving. Affected creatures take 3d10 cold damage on a failed save and can only take an action or a bonus action on their next turn, and they can't take more than one melee or ranged attack regardless of abilities or magic items. On a successful save a creature takes only half damage and can make use of its actions as normal. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are exlusively found in the most northeastern tip of The Broken Plains.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wulfen can communicate telepathically, they can also use those close to them in spirit such as the Wolfborn to talk through.
Average Height
2.0-2.5 meters for normal Wulfen, 3.5-5.0 meters for High Wulfen.
Average Weight
150-250 kg for normal Wulfen, 400-750kg for High Wulfen.
Geographic Distribution

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