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Academy of Natare

High spires of glass and chrome in spiralling twists of design. Solar panels across the eastern facing of the buildings. A large courtyard trickles down the hill on which the Academy is situated.   Huge labratories litter the east end of the campus, while a sprawling library situates itself across the northern crest.  

The Grand Library

Containing nearly 70 million catalogued items, including holo-texts, paintings and other media (eloborate in mk 2). The building stands at 40 stories tall, with a massive rooftop garden that spirals down the sides of the top 5 floors like a double helix.   Its basement levels contain thousands of ancient texts still to be converted to a holo format, as many have decayed since the library's founding.  

The Main Hall

  The main hall hosts many important events, like graduations, celebration nights, and talks from guest speakers. It is a large stone building with massive stained glass mosaics, and a raised stage at its centre that once held a statue to the (Deity of Knowledge).


  The experimental labratories across the east 'coast' of the campus support multiple floors and are the main draw card for funding of the campus as a whole. Researchers and professors both use these buildings, in an effort to advance the progress of all Levis. They are the largest research labratories in the realm, and the closeness of all the disciplines enables collaboration between specialities not seen in ages past.


  Notable Aluminum include Thalia Moondance, famed researcher on the Human Leak and the interdimensional portals that connect the land.


The culture of the academy is one of ceaseless learning and experimentation, tempered by a respect of nature and the complexities of ecosystems and the Foliad's place within it. Human transplants are welcomed openly as long as they comply with the values of the Academy, many leading to active positions within the student body or auxilery staff.


Owns rights to Radio Luna,  Own the floating vessel, the Extracant.


Several main builldings house the different districts of this higher learning establishment. Magic studies, History, Biology+Ecology, Architecture, Law and Business, Medicine and Psychology, Technomancy, Levis studies (What humans would call the hard sciences), Astromancy and mathmatics.

From all things, discovery

The campus has a public cafeteria along with several private owned cafes, including Cafe Natura.
Legislative Body
The legislative body is the Dean, held in check by feedback from the council of professors, and the student advisory group.
Notable Members
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Notable figure:


Professor Emeritus: Verdan Blackbough

  Notable Students: Thalia Moondance   Age: 70   Research speciality: Technomagery, specifically rediscovered artifacts.   Years spend at the academy: 43   Member of the Natare City Council.   Verdan in current age is that old professor, long retired, that still walks the hall of your current academy. Aged and wise, he was a teaching professor for many decades, imparting knowledge on a wide range of classes. Retiring recently, Verdan seeks to provide wisdom, mixed with diving headfirst into his own specialty researches, namely the transformative magics of many of the artifacts across Levis.

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Sep 12, 2024 07:57 by Annie Stein

I think my favourite detail here is the empty plinth, it makes me wonder why they removed the statue of the deity, and what is says about the academy's history.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Sep 15, 2024 15:12 by Asmod

Thank you. I was just referencing how in our world many of halls of such size are old chapels, but that levis tends to be secular, but your interest tells me delving into that aspect might be interesting.

Sep 15, 2024 15:45 by Annie Stein

That makes sense! I think it would be a nice thing to include.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!