Sean Character in Licentia | World Anvil
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Sean D'arcy

Sean a promising young midfielder out of Galway city. His endurance is unlike any player I've ever seen; you can leave him in the entire match and he'll still be on the field getting results. And the other men, they trust him, he's just got a really strong personality. Not sure why he ran off to America for a year, but if he improves his focus and comes back, think we're looking at Galway's next captain.
— Coach McNamara-Fitzgerald via Galway Bay Radio interview

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Sean dresses almost exclusively in athletic wear. (This sort of thing is associated with Eastern Europe but is also common in Ireland.) He has been called a skanger on more than one occasion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sean is the youngest child of Rosemary D'arcy and Michael D'arcy, PhD.   As a young child, he was picked on by both of his older siblings. James would physically attack Sean and Saoirse (now known as Zero), while Saoirse would take out her own frustrations on Sean by degrading him or sabotaging his social life. As they grew older, Saoirse and Sean began to form a tenuous alliance as she began to shift from taking out her emotions on Sean to simply shutting down.

Gender Identity

Cisgender man (he/him)


Sean did poorly in school but managed to graduate.


Prior to finding his sister, Sean worked in a Spar. He had a brief stint at Lidl but it was cut short due to him taking the fall for an incident involving salami. Since meeting her he's been unemployed but does odd jobs around Dallas Outskirts.   Hurling and Gaelic Football in Ireland is completely amateur, so he cannot make money from sports.

Intellectual Characteristics

There isn't much that can be said in this department.

Personality Characteristics


Sean has a tendency to cling to his goals very strongly. After years of searching, he managed to track down Zero even when the rest of his family thought she was dead. His other main goal is playing hurling for county.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sean has relatively severe ADHD, but long ago learned how to put his energy to good use. Although his body type tends to remain lanky, Sean's endurance is completely unmatched among athletes of his age. This has made him well-suited to the midfielder position in both hurling and Gaelic football. He loves both sports but enjoys hurling the most. His dream is to play for Galway's hurling team and lead them to an All-Ireland Championship.   The reason for his endurance? The Z-virus, which he caught by sharing eating utensils with his sister the summer before she disappeared. He only recently became aware that he has it, and so far has told nobody else.   After receiving a blood transfusion from his sister, Sean has also picked up the T-virus. The T-virus does not secrete pheromones constantly, but a small number of infected who have met him before this transfusion has noticed that he somehow smells different now, as if something major has changed...


Family Ties

Sean is not on speaking terms with James due to James' disdain for his academic failures, athletic dreams, and "unrealistic" hope that Saoirse was (is) still alive. They only pretend to get along at family gatherings.   While they largely work together, Zero and Sean do not always get along. The two get into petty arguments and sort-of-friendly-sort-of-not rivalries frequently.
Circumstances of Birth
Summer Solstice
Brown, somewhat wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A shade darker than Zero as he goes outside more often
The people say that the sun is worthy of honour, for if its light was withdrawn, it would mean an end of all vegetable and animal life on this earth. On midsummer night the ancient Irish had a belief which still exists in various parts of the country. This was that the fairies and witches were out on that night...

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