Licentia Garage Massacre
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Garage Massacre

Life, Crime

February 24th 2019, 2 PM

Erin calls in a favor with Zero, leading Zero and Georgia to a parking garage to finalize a drug deal. It quickly goes south when the Lutose thieves appear.

With Erin injured by Jang-mi, Zero is pressganged into finishing what her dealing doppleganger started: Finalizing an exchange of goods in a parking garage. It quickly goes south when the Lutose thieves appear from seemingly nowhere and start a shootout, during which, Zero is shot in the torso and Georgia is shot in the leg. Jang-mi mistakes Zero for Erin but is reprimanded by the other thief. The thieves threaten Georgia, as she has seen both of them unmasked, but ultimately decide to let her live. After a distrustful phone conversation with "Erin", our heroes lose trust in Dibana and decide to find a Vegas hotel to recuperate in instead of returning to the base.

Related timelines & articles
Zero's History (article)