Alumar's Spellbook

Spellbook belonging to the previous ship's mage of the Ravenhand Pirates. The spellbook is well weathered and smells of salt. It contains 16 spells and uses 28 pages, with 72 blank pages. It contains the following spells:   1st Level (8 spells, 8 pages) -Burning Hands -Color Spray -Distort Value -Find Familiar -Identify -Magic Missile -Tenser's Floating Disk -Thunderwave   2nd Level (4 spells, 8 pages) -Darkvision  -Gust of Wind -Scorching Ray -Suggestion   3rd Level (4 spells, 12 pages) -Enemies Abound -Tidal Wave -Wall of Water -Water Breathing   Selling Price of 1400 gp (50 gp/page)


Owned by the previous Ship's Mage of the Ravenhand Pirates.
3 lbs