Sshtotzeih Factions
Numerous political and familiarl factions in Sshtotzeih, the 5 biggest and most important are:
The Sanguine Scales - Zihsha's faction, after he took power he took the faction in a direction that many felt was blasphemous and broke with yahkee's scales' purpose, causing the faction to splinter and rename themselves the sanguine scales and yahkees trueborn Yahkee's Trueborn - old name Yahkee's Scales - religious devout faction, sanguine scales broke with them after zihsha took power Order of the Venom - The Guild of Gold Scales - Generally known simply as "The Guild" Jade Serpents -
The Sanguine Scales - Zihsha's faction, after he took power he took the faction in a direction that many felt was blasphemous and broke with yahkee's scales' purpose, causing the faction to splinter and rename themselves the sanguine scales and yahkees trueborn Yahkee's Trueborn - old name Yahkee's Scales - religious devout faction, sanguine scales broke with them after zihsha took power Order of the Venom - The Guild of Gold Scales - Generally known simply as "The Guild" Jade Serpents -