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Agbadza79's D&D 5e House Rules


Character Preferences

  • Sources: Magic: The Gathering Content, Eberron Content, Noncore D&D Content, Dragonlance Content, Planescape Content, Critical Role Content (please ask me about Homebrew Content)
  • Optional Features: Optional Class Features, Customize Your Origin
  • Advancement Type: Milestone
  • Hit Point Type: Fixed (Manual is fine if you like, but I'm too risk-averse!)
  • Use Prequisites: Feats, Multiclass Requirements
  • Encumbrance Type: Use Encumbrance (Ignore Coin Weight is off)
  • Ability Scores: Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) or Point Buy

This document contains the set of House Rules by which I typically run my campaigns. These can be modified per player request in individual campaigns, or globally. I will always be learning about the finer points of D&D 5e and expect that my opinions will continue to evolve along with my knowledge.


These are, for the moment, presented in loose categories and in no particular order. Please be advised that the organization of this document will remain as fluid as the contents!


Miscellaneous Rules and Preferences

  • Sources: I'm inclined to allow most official D&D 5e content from the Sources listed above for classes, subclasses, races, etc. If it becomes apparent that something is entirely out of place in a campaign or badly unbalanced, I will work with the player to figure out a path forward. Please run homebrew ideas by me and make sure that you are comfortable either using or creating it in DDB or performing the rolls using Avrae.
  • 1st-level Bonus Feats: With newer setting books such as Spelljammer (SAiS:AAG p7), Dragonlance (SotDQ p30), and Planescape (PAitM), it has become common practice to introduce new Backgrounds that come with a built-in 1st-level Feat. For characters not selecting one of those backgrounds, they are allowed a 1st-level bonus Feat. Typical options include Skilled (PHB p170), Tough (PHB p170), and Magic Initiate (PHB p168). Whether this is permitted in my adventures will be determined on a case by case basis, with the decision depending on the character builds selected by the players.
  • Flying Speed: Characters with a Flying Speed (PHB p191) can be the bane of a DM's existence, depending on the setting or particular adventure. I am toying with an idea of restricting races with a Flying Speed to only being able to Glide (SAiS:AAG p13) until a higher level is reached. For example, a Wizard can't learn Fly until 5th-level, so that might be appropriate.
  • Flanking: As long as we are using a gridded battle map, e.g., in Owlbear Rodeo, we will use the optional Flanking (DMG p251) rule that grants Advantage on melee attacks for combatants on opposite sides of an mutual enemy. Remember, this applies for creatures and NPCs as well as for PCs!
  • Inspiration: PCs may elect to use Inspiration (PHB p125) after rolling, but prior to the DM announcing the outcome. If the DM does not give the PC an opportunity to indicate they would like to use Inspiration, the PC will have the opportunity to do so.
  • Tool Proficiencies: When PCs are using tools with which they are proficient, the updated rules found in Tool Proficiencies (XGtE p78) will be preferred to those found at PHB p154 or DMG p239. PCs will have advantage and/or gain additional information when making skill checks in a manner related to their tool proficiency. See the sidebar on Tool Descriptions for examples. (I will continue posting descriptive snippets I use in my character sheets for a variety of tools as I have time.)
  • Optional Class Features: I will default to allowing all Optional Class Features from TCoE.
  • Inventory and Status: I will ask the Players to keep track of consumables such as ammunition and their PC's status (e.g., HP, spell slots, conditions, etc.). I will not generally worry about consumables such as rations and torches, which every adventurer should restock before setting off. If specific questions arise during a game, we can discuss and reach a logical decision, which may cause this text to be updated.
  • Other Rewards - Training: As a reward for exemplary actions and in conjunction with downtime, I may allow a PC to gain a skill or tool proficiency, or a feat as outlined in DMG p231.

Action Economy


While the Action Economy of D&D 5e is generally well thought out and clear enough, there are specific definitions which seem to me to be unreasonable. Modifications to those will be documented here and may include general rules and rules specific to certain circumstances.


Object Interactions


PHB p190 describes the mechanics of interacting with objects in combat. Generally, a character can perform one object interaction per turn without "using" their Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction. There is an accompanying list, Interacting with Objects Around You, that lists examples of object interactions. I play using the following modifications and clarifications.

  • Dropping a weapon or other simple item does not require an object interaction. This would include something up to a shield, but not anything that requires more complex movements, such as a backpack.
  • While the list states "draw or sheathe a sword" as an object interaction, I will permit the stashing of one weapon and drawing of a second as a single object interaction. (Based on interpretation of Mike Mearls' tweets here: and
  • If you attempt to perform an interaction with a magic item that is explicitly listed in the table as an object interaction, but is described as requiring a full Action for the magic item, it will only require a Bonus Action. Examples include "pull the hood of your cloak up and over your head" and a Cloak of Elvenkind, and "stuff some food in your mouth" and Goodberry.

Magic Items and Spell Effects


This section will describe modifications to the descriptions given for magic items and spells. These are coupled with the third item regarding object interactions from the previous section.

  • Goodberry: Rather than limiting a Bonus Action to the consumption of a single Goodberry, a PC may consume up to three at a time.
  • Spell Scrolls: The description of spell scrolls on DMG p200 indicates that "If the spell is on your class's spell list, you can read the scroll and cast its spell without providing any material components. Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible." This severely limits the ability for most characters to use a randomly obtained scroll. Instead, PCs of any level will be able to use a spell scroll bearing a cantrip, level 5 and higher may use 1st level spell scrolls, level 11 and higher may use 2nd level spell scrolls, and level 17 and higher may use 3rd level spell scrolls.
  • Protection from Evil and Good (and similar): The description of the Component Pouch reads "hold(s) all the material components and other special items you need to cast your spells, except for those components that have a specific cost (as indicated in a spell's description)". However, the spell Protection from Evil and Good lists its material components as "holy water or powdered silver and iron, which the spell consumes". While the cost is not listed in the spell description, Holy Water (flask) has a cost of 25 gp, or can be created using "25 gp worth of powdered silver". Thus, Protection from Evil and Good, or spells that have a similar issue with their description, cannot be cast solely using the Component Pouch.



Character Classes




For the Arcane Archer subclass, I propose the following additions.

  • At 10th level, you gain a third use of the Arcane Shot ability.
  • For the Arcane Shot options Beguiling Arrow, Bursting Arrow, Enfeebling Arrow, Grasping Arrow, and Shadow Arrow, the damage increases to 3d6 when you reach 10th level in this class.



Monks are permitted to Attack with a versatile monk weapon using two hands. When a monk makes an Attack as an Action with a versatile weapon using two hands, they are still permitted to use their Bonus Action to perform an Unarmed Strike for full damage.




Hunter and Beast Master ranger subclasses will start with a set of known spells, as specified at the first link below. This falls in line with subsequently introduced subclasses in XGtE and TCoE and helps to address in a modest way the general consensus that my beloved ranger class is mechanically the worst in 5e. Also, I have created a homebrew Feat in DDB that adds these spells for the Hunter and Beast Master subclasses. See the second and third links below.

Contract, Civil
Additional Starting Equipment

PCs that claim proficiency in a tool, kit, musical instrument, or gaming set may add the related items to their inventory as part of their starting equipment. PCs that have a bow or crossbow as part of their starting equipment may add a Quiver or Case, Crossbow Bolt, respectively.


It's my opinion that all adventurers worth their salt would avail themselves of the following gear, which I gift to my players as additional starting equipment. Players may elect to claim these or not, based on the suitability to their PC. The Pouch is used to contain the non-clothing items.

Tool Descriptions
  Alchemist’s Supplies  

Include: glass beaker x2; metal frame to hold beaker over flame; glass stirring rod; small mortar and pestle; pouch of common ingredients (salt, powdered iron, purified water)


Enable: Alchemical Crafting - given raw materials, create 1 dose of acid, alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, oil, perfume, or soap per long rest. Subtract half value of created item from gp value of your raw materials (50 gp/lb).


Enhance: Arcana - potions, etc.; Investigation - use of chemicals, etc.

  Cartographer’s Tools  

Include: Case, Map, Ink Pen x2, Ink (1 oz. bottle) x2, Parchment (sheet) x5, compass x2, calipers, ruler


Enable: Craft a Map - while travelling


Enhance: Arcana, History, Religion - hidden messages in, date of map, etc.; Nature - issues w/terrain; Survival - avoid getting lost and find paths to, predict locations of towns, etc.

  Gaming Set  

Includes: all the pieces needed to play a specific game


Enhances: History - knowledge of game's history, etc.; Insight - understanding of personality; Sleight of Hand - cheating, distraction, etc.

  Musical Instruments  

Enable: Compose a Tune - during long rest, new tune and lyrics for your instrument


Enhance: History - lore related to instrument; Performance - when using an instrument

  Thieves' Tools  

Include: small file, lock picks, small mirror mounted on a metal handle, narrow-bladed scissors, pliers


Enable: Set a Trap - during short rest. Skill check is DC for discovering/disabling it. Deals damage as the materials used in crafting or half your check.


Enhance: History - locations renowned for traps; Investigation, Perception - looking for traps

  Woodcarver’s Tools  

Include: Small Knife, Whetstone, gouge, small saw


Enable: Repair - 1 wooden object per short rest; Craft Arrows - given wood, create up to 5 arrows per short rest or up to 20 arrows per long rest


Enhance: Arcana, History - wooden objects; Nature - trees


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