Amled's Cursed Organization in Lindrinor | World Anvil
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Amled's Cursed


Supreme Almirant > Void Master > Planeshifter = Void Sailor

Public Agenda

The Amled's Cursed main objective is to instaurate a realm in which The Damned could live, thrive and be free. In order to do that, the Amled's Cursed need power, influence, and wealth. The Remote Islands is the perfect place to gather those things.


The pirate fleet known as the Amled's Cursed were founded by Rohirrim, the Forgotten after he got expelled from the Gwyen's Council of Mages for his so-called "radical ideas". He decided to leave all the bureaucracy and ineffectiveness of the Law and went to try to establish his Damned Realm through more illegal methods. Therefore, he created the Amled's Cursed and is ever since gathered treasures and weapons to aid in his cause for a better future for his kin.   Nowadays, the pirate fleet known as the Amled's Cursed is amongst the strongest fleets that roam and pillage through the Central Islands. The Supreme Almirant Rohirrim is now more powerful than ever and seeks to destroy the Rusty Shivs along with their slave trade that helps sustain Heim. Once they do that, the kingdom will be ready for the taking in a couple of years or so.

Granted Divine Powers

Since all pirates in this fleet are Damned, they all have the ability to teleport through the Void and are natural powerful sorcerers.

"You better not try to flee! For in a second we'll come upon thee!"

Founding Date
166 ABE
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Alternative Names
The Voided; Teleporties; Purple Ones
Related Species


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