Barrel's Bottom

The last bar out and the first one in.

Pick them up and guzzle them down,
drink until you find the barrel's bottom,
for when you wake up but don't know which way it is,
we put the wind in our sails.
— Ryza Chavosi, Note Carved into the Bar

One Last Drink

The Barrel's Bottom is located in Line's Edge, an outpost built on the very limit of where a compass function. A place built to be a final resupply point before explorers take their skyships into the unexplored beyond.   This makes it a fairly rowdy place when ships come through and everyone onboard takes to the land for one last drink - though their ship is almost certainly carrying alcohol as well, this is their last chance to drink without worrying about their booze rations.   The bar is always the last place the crews go before sailing into the unknown and the first place they go when they get back.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

Harani's Final Visit

The most famous skyship ever built - the first one ever built - and her crew visited Line's Edge and the Barrel's Bottom just once. The settlement was only completed shortly before their fateful voyage from which they would never return.   Until their visit the bar had no name, it was the only one in town and everyone knew it as just 'The Bar'. That changed when Ryza Chavosi - the captain of the Harani - carved a note into the bar as the crew celebrated the start of another journey.


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