
Young assistant to the Terian monks.

"Be safe out there. You are now old enough, and knowledgable enough, to go out into the mountains. Remember our time together as you search for the plants we need. Keep calm and turn back if you see a storm coming."

Duties of the Hands

Herbhands are the youngest of the Terian Monks who have not yet been officially inducted into the order. Most often these are orphans taken in by members of the order who are traveling to other locations for monastery business. Everyone monk must play their part in keeping the monastery running and the young inhabitants are no exception.   Their duties consist of gathering herbs, water, and other resources from the mountainside around the monastery. These duties tie into the three tenants of the faith. The physical training of climbing around the mountains, carrying water, and staying healthy while doing so build the biyana - the pillar of the body. The time spent alone with their own thoughts build the oyana - the pillar of the mind. The herbs they collect are used to make a variety of medicines which are distributed to those who need them and this builds the taiyana - the pillar of the land.

Stub Article

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The Monastery

The Terian Monastery was established early in the Time of Rebuilding by former imperial soldier Yul Terian who had left Bral in search of peace.   Its location within the Alsarat Mountains is remote but not difficult to reach by anyone determined enough - especially since the establishment of Twinpeak's Passage nearby.   Herbhands may not travel as far as explorers but they are much younger. Much smaller and the skies seem a lot bigger.


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