
Songs for sleep.

Where the winter wind always blows,
there is something that mama knows,
just let your dog rest on your toes,
and it will keep away your woes.   Haira makes you wear all your clothes,
Yaliru interferes with bows,
Iia brings joy to your nose,
this song will end now that you doze.
— Orth Lullaby

Learning to Sleep in a Land of Light

Very few things in the sky bring about darkness. Clouds and especially stormclouds subdue the light but rarely block it entirely. A perfectly enclosed room with no windows or a cave could provide it. The easiest way is to close one's eyes.   Darkness alone is almost never enough to bring sleep to a child so every culture that has been discovered - even those with no prior connection to Breharan such as the lizardfolk - have developed a tradition of singing to the young to put them to sleep.

Softly Over and Over

While the language, content, and sound may vary, each of these traditions shares a few things in common. They are all sung softly and either repeat entire phrases or use rhyming syllables. They are also never accompanied, sung only by a single voice.

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More than a Melody

In every culture, the lullaby is never just a song. The lullaby is a method to pass on cultural knowledge. Children begin to learn about the parts of the skies that they cannot see or hear or touch or feel - or especially relavent for children, taste - at an early age through these songs.   Important elements of their lives are introduced. Orth lullabies often include animals, the winds, and elements of community, the things that are the most important to their lives.
"While I may not remember every word that my mother sung to me, the melody is something that I feel very deeply, and that is why I sing to my own child."

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Cover image: Woman Holding Baby by


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Aug 19, 2024 23:01 by Deleyna Marr

Touching and fascinating how they live in a world without darkness.

Aug 21, 2024 01:15 by Paul

Glad you enjoyed it!

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