
Festival of heroes.

"Don't forget to give a portion of your meal to the heroes who remain with us so that we may learn and prosper."

The Price All Heroes Pay

In the lizardfolk tradition of Tomaktur, all of their ancestors who are done guiding their descendants - those with seven generations of offspring - are carried by the Great Wind to Teranteral. In order to allow them to pass on, the names of the eighthfathers and eighthmothers are no longer spoken.   Heroes are different. These great individuals will have their names remembered and spoken and revered, stories of their great deeds told, and the lessons of their lives shared for all time. As a result, they are unable to move on to their final place. In exchange for this, a festival is held in their honour every year.

The Heroes' Feast

A great feast is held once each year in the springtime - by Breharan time - and is an event that draws each of the clans to gather. During this huge celebration stories of the heroes are told and offerings are made by adding food to the giant bonfire that continues until renanteral ends. The smoke from the food is said to nourish the spirits of the heroes who continue to watch over and guide the community.

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The Five

The oldest of the heroes celebrated in renanteral are the Five Great Heroes - Toranti, Kaztora, Kratam, Anz, and Tsero. These are not the only people who are celebrated during the long ceremony but they are always the first to be mentioned.

A Time for Peace

The history of Kestatol is long and bloody. However, the time of renanteral is always a time for the clans to set down their arms.   While warring clans do not celebrate together, they at least let the other honour the heroes in peace before continuing their conflict.

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