The Adventurer's Stage

The heart of Darapur.

It was this stage in the very center of Darapur where the first official report of the Harani was given. It is well known that Ryza did not wait for the official time and gave her speech 'We Are Not Alone' in Bridgewater. Still, the stage holds special significance and it was decided it would become a permanent part of the city center.
— Nim, Half a Century of Skyships

The Harani's Report

The Adventurer's Stage as it is now known was constructed for the return of the Harani after her first voyage. It was to be used as a place for the crew to present what they had discovered. The powers in Darapur hoped that a public appearance would reinforce the idea of using skyships and keep the public support - they were foolish to even worry about it.

Later Uses

While the stage was only supposed to remain for the duration of the first speeches, it was decided by the people that it should remain and it stands there to the present. As a wooden stage it may have had every single block replaced over the years but it was never fully removed from that location.   It became a cultural hub for the city where plays would be performed at no cost - except donations - and music would be performed - sometimes without warning. It was even the site of the first performance of the infamous play Love On The Skies.

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Darosi's Speech

The speeches given by the crew of the Harani were all very well received and drew large cheers from the crowd. All but one. Darosi's speech was not very awe-inspiring and perhaps even too technical for the average member of the audience.   Ryza had his back - just as she did on their voyages - and gestured for the audience to cheer for him. She knew he had tried his best but that communication skills were not something he had. Even at her request the cheers the crowd gave for his speech were only a fraction of those her's drew from them.
"Look. All I'm saying is that if every board has been replaced, is it still the same stage?"

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