The Captain's Fund

Ryza's way of giving back.

While I hope to breathe my final breath at home surrounded by friends and family, I realize that this new journey before me may be dangerous and I was lucky to return from the first voyage. If I should die, it is my wish that all the wealth and assets I have be used to improve the lives of the street children of Darapur.Ryza Chavosi's Will

Adventurous Origins

The Captain's Fund gets its name from - and owes its existence to - Ryza Chavosi who started the organization after returning to Darapur from the Harani's first voyage. She created the organization because of some of the changes that had been happening in the city. While it was certainly a booming city that tried to uplift everyone, it was simply unable to accomodate the incredible growth that the city underwent early in the Time of Exploration.   This resulted in many people - many children - who were unable to eat as often as they should and had to spend time making money - or stealing - to get food instead of attending educational institutions. Ryza couldn't stand to see this happen to her city and gave everything she earned from her travels toward feeding children. When her parent's died, she inherited their merchant wealth and when the Harani was lost among the skies, Ryza was eventually declared dead. The family fortune - as per her wishes - was then directed toward helping the street children, as they were called, get meals, education, and a chance to be great.

Managing a Fortune

The task of managing the adventurer's fortune fell on the shoulders of a young banker who by happenstance had once met her at Bridgewater. Knowing very well that no fortune lasts forever, the banker started a new organization calling it the Captain's Fund after its benefactor. The organization purchased a building from which to operate and serve meals. Over the first few years their reputations increased and donations began coming in from not only the wealthy of Darapur but from the skyship captains that followed Ryza. While the wealthy contributed more, the captains spent time telling stories and interacting with the kids.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

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In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

Street to Ship

In the decades since the Captain's Fund began, many of the children who were able to eat because of it went to school or became apprentices - through the Fund's relations with specialists throughout the city. Many of these children saw Ryza as a hero - in a different way than the entire sky continent saw her as the first brave skycaptain - and wanted to follow in her footsteps.   Many got roles in the support industry for skyships, building the vessels, maintaining them, upgrading them, working in supply and logistics jobs, or preserving foods for long journeys. Some even became members of crews, being deckhands, cooks, and carpenters. A few even became captains but by that time the winds had changed and most skyships were used to trade around Breharan or to and from the colonies.   One of the best - and also the luckiest - managed to get the role of captain for an upcoming exploration mission when the new vessel, the Chavosi, is complete.

Cover image: Bowl of Porridge by Dose Juice


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