The Monument Settlement in Linebound | World Anvil

The Monument

Ancient Skyfarer site, new settlement.

A child came to me claiming to have found something in the woods. I was hesitant to leave my site behind, we had just found a grave containing human and ketzlat bones but despite my better judgement I followed.   We were deep in the woods and when I was about to say I was turning back, he said we were there. It took me several moments to find it. All the trees in this part of the woods were covered in vines and so was the Monument.   The kid found what we have all been searching for these past few years. Never underestimate kids.
— Tir Eran, Letter to a Colleague

Chasing the Past

The site was first identified as being of historical significance when a few minor Skyfarer artifacts were discovered by the preliminary exploration team. Later, a longer term project was established with a rotating team of archaeologists and scholars. Many of the early finds were similar to those found on Breharan, small buckles, carved stones, and other small remnants.   Among some of the finds were what appeared to be rotten wood cut into smooth blocks. They were too far gone to retrieve additional information from but the speculation is that they had once contained writing. The type of wood was light and it had been treated with some unknown oil - the only reason there was anything left of it at all.

The Perpetual Verge of Breakthrough

In 49EX - after two years of minor finds - the project was on the chopping block but the scholars insisted something big was around the corner and soon presented a broken stone with an unknown language on it, proving that the Skyfarers did have a written language - at least that one group of them did, at some point in the past.   Another year later in 50EX - and no more major finds - the project was again in danger of being cancelled. When one of the many children living on the island discovered something while hiding in the woods. This discovery is what would change Outpost 12 to the name it has today, The Monument.

The Meeting Place

Around the Monument was the highest concentration of Skyfarers artifacts ever discovered; this indicated either that they had settled there or that many of them passed by frequently.   While the exact function of the obelisk is unknown, most scholars believe that the site had cultural or spiritual significance to the Skyfarers and that they would return to the Monument for meetings or to make offerings. If more examples of their written script can be discovered, it may help establish connections to the modern languages of Breharan and through that, translate the text on the stone pillar.
"When you stand here, you can almost see our ancestors with us."

Something Else Worth Having

As is to be expected when you flood a location with scholars to investigate a single thing, they started looking at everything else too. They already knew that the Skyfarers had lived there, they wanted to know why this particular skyisland and not another.   Aside from the potential importance of the Monument, there were rivers when it rained, useful herbs and other plants grew in the wild, and the largest wildlife were some birds - there were fossils of other animals but since the Skyfarers rode ketzlat, it is quite possible those giant creatures made extinct whatever else lived there.   The rivers don't flow quickly because they drain over the side of the island through the roots of the trees there, slowing the drainage and keeping the water there longer. This likely also contributes to the diversity of plant life over the island and is the reason why multiple rainy seasons each year hasn't left the island a barren rock.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

An Unusual Climate

The seasons flow differently on the island of the Monument. The same summer wind that affects Breharan brings warm air most of the year but another wind hits the island creating two rainy seasons each year.   The rains aren't usually very harsh but once they start, they continue for many cycles. Each time when it finishes, more flowers bloom and the trees continue to grow. It is like having two springs, two summers, and no autumns or winters.

Two Harvests

The obvious answer to any farmer is that two summers means two harvests and even a quicker turn around on a crop rotation. Despite the establishment of Furahnzata having already created a food surplus, Darapur decided in 49EX - after the discovery of the stone tablet - to send settlers to the Monument as well.   There was initially a bit of conflict between the scholars and farmers about who should be allowed to do what in which locations but when the Monument was discovered in the woods the next year, the two groups each had their own territories. They came to get along well and the farmers began to let the scholars know when they found things in their fields.

Peace with Home

Compared to the other nations Zinato has faced the least calls for independance from their colonies. The freedoms afforded to each colony to act on their own - as long as they uphold the Darapur Act - are many. Beyond this, the support they continue to recieve from home is stable and meaningful.   The people in charge in Zinato understand that the future is out on the skies and will do what they can to support it, even if it hurts in the short term.
"I am just here to drop off some notes to my colleauges at Jamaira before I head back to the Monument. Hopefully the linguists here have made some progress on the translation. Last time they said something like 'The air cow was my father.' and I just don't think that was right."


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