Urawen Kol

The town's light turned forest's shadow.

"Be wary as you walk through the woods around Soksu. It gets dark in those trees and you may feel as though someone is watching you. Pay no mind to the feeling or she will find you and turn you into one of her wooden statues."

The Light of the Craft District

There was once someone in Soksu's crafts district that was the life of the place. She was always smiling and happy to help those who needed it. Her name was Urawen and she was a seamstress, singer, and amateur sculptor.   Almost ten years ago Urawen, the wife of Irn Kol - the famous sculptor of Soksu - died of a sickness that slowly took her life away. When she passed she appeared almost as a shadow of her former bright self. Irn spent almost all his time with her, forgoing his profession for almost a year to care for her.

The Woman of the Woods

The woods around Soksu have always been the source of rumor and myth. When Urawen passed, the town mourned but Irn was at the lowest point he had ever been and no one could pull him out of it. He began spending a lot of time walking alone through the woods to get away from everyone else. Eventually he went missing and wooden sculptures began to appear in the woods.   Around that time people began seeing a strange being among the trees, one that resembled the the former light of the town. It is said that her spirit brought him to her so that he would be happy again.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

Joining the Fae

If the myths are to be beleived, Urawen's spirit was taken by a fae at the very moment she died. They took it deep into the forest, into the realm of the fae, and put it into the heart of a tree.   This tree was slowly transformed into a wooden-sculpture-like body that her spirit then inhabited. Using this form she draws in those who wander into the woods and turns them into lifeless wood statues. She sings to get their attentions and the flits quickly between the trees so that they follow.   Or at least, so the story goes.
"She may not be evil but her thoughts are twisted by the fae and she does take away our friends and family from us."


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