Linibian Calendars During the Friend Times

Korth Incubation

4392 BB to 4217 BB

Nobody knows why the Linibian States started describing their years by the Korth invasions, but sometime around 4350 BB they became aware of the Korth threat to the north, and began describing the era as a time of Incubation, and for the next few thousand years, the eras were described based on the status of the Korth Horde.

The Korth Incubation is the period before the first major Korth attack.

Abbreviated K#I

Korth Assault

4217 to 4027 BB

Starting with the beginning of the first Korth Assault, and ending with the start of the second Korth Assault.

Abbreviated K#A

Korth Correction

4207 BB to 3513 BB

After the end of the second Korth Assault, the people of the Linibian States imagined they had truly defeated the Korth Horde, and began to call this time the "Korth Correction", for they had "corrected" the Korth problem.

They could not be more wrong as the Korth spent the next few centuries building the largest military force they could imagine. The next assault would win.

Abbreviated Kc#F

Korth Conquest

3513 BB to 2857 BB

After centuries of relative silence, the Linibian States were completely unprepared for the largest Korth Horde ever. The northern third of the states was conquered, and the Korth actually settled in the land. For a time, while border skirmishes were frequent, it almost seemed that the Korth would just be a permanent neighbor. Then, in K434C, the Korth erupted from the Steppe again, and with the wall open and the Northern states already conquered, they swept across all of the Linibian States. Fortunately, great heros of renown, called the Troop of The Trustless, managed to find and activate a powerful remnant of the Dawn Times, and summoned a construct army that drove back the horde. Eventually this tireless construct army drove the horde all the way back to the Steppe, and well beyond, before some defect, or inbuilt betrayal, in the army caused the constructs to turn and begin killing all living things around them. Many Linibians died to destroy that army, but the Korth, for the only time in history, joined with the Linibians to defeat this horror. The construct army was destroyed, but the Korth Horde was nearly destroyed, and the Linibian armies were not much better off. It was a long time before the continent recovered from this error. Eventually, however, the Korth sent, over the course of a century, a great many "servants" as "tribute" to their southern neighbors, and when the numbers became great enough, they launched a rebellion, combined with another assault, resulting in terrible losses.

Abbreviated K#C

Korth Rebellion

2857 BB To 2763 BB

The next Korth assault was led by a more canny entity than before. It was not until it was too late that the Loremasters learned that a deathless power led the Korth this time. When the rebellion began, the Korth among the Linibians, perhaps over a million, all acted as one, taking up whatever arms they could get, and killing as many people as they could. None of them sought to live, only to kill. many millions died, mostly civilians. It was worse than even the Conquest of centuries before. Worse, the foul curse of the Unliving arose again in the land, and many found themselves fighting off the risen corpse of a loved one days after barely surviving the assault of the former servant that killed them. The rebellion was short, perhaps two months, and the aftermath was only a few more months. The Korth armies, however, had spent a year breaching the Korth Wall, and if it was not for an unexpectedly harsh late winter storm, would likely have conquered the Linibian States again. As it was it was a close thing before the combined armies of the states and the power of the Loremasters managed to destroy both the attacking force and the undying horror that commanded them.

The era that followed, marked by frequent skirmishes and many unspeakable horrors along the Korth Wall, was called the Korth Rebellion.

Abbreviated K#R

Korth Decline

2763 BB to 1 BB

After the Korth Rebellion, the Korth launched one more major assault, which, in 2763 BB, was utterly destroyed. It seems the Korth had counted on some external force to assist them, and it never came, a betrayal that left the Korth unable to recover.

Over the next few centuries fierce humans, northmen, from the lands to the east and west of the steppe invaded the Korth Steppe, and by 1850 BB the Korth Horde was gone forever. The wild and fierce tribesman who replaced the Horde took up the name of Korth, but were not much threat to the peaceful lands to the south. They lived on the Korth Steppe because they wanted to live there, and had no desire to enter the soft and weak lands beyond the Korth Wall. By the end of the Friend Times, the Korth were simply forgotten.

Abbreviated K#D

Korth Incubation

4392 BB to 4217 BB

Nobody knows why the Linibian States started describing their years by the Korth invasions, but sometime around 4350 BB they became aware of the Korth threat to the north, and began describing the era as a time of Incubation, and for the next few thousand years, the eras were described based on the status of the Korth Horde.
The Korth Incubation is the period before the first major Korth attack.
Abbreviated K#I

  • K175I To K1A
    First Korth Assault
    Military action

    The first major military action by the Korth Horde. The First Korth Assault came as a complete surprise to the peoples of the Linibian States. Lasting two years, with many battles and many seasons when the Korth Wall was simply impassable. In the end the Korth Horde was completely defeated, and the peoples of the south would not be so easily surprised next time.

Korth Assault

4217 to 4027 BB

Starting with the beginning of the first Korth Assault, and ending with the start of the second Korth Assault.
Abbreviated K#A

  • K189A to Kc5F
    Second Korth Assault
    Military action

    The Second Korth Assault marked both the end of an era marked by major military expansion throughout the Linibian States as the previously peaceful southern peoples reacted to the First Korth Assault, and the beginning of a period of deceptive peace. Longer than the first assault, the Korth Horde was much larger this time, and much larger forces breached the Korth Wall throughout the conflict. The war never really paused during this period, though there were periods of greater or lesser intensity.

Korth Correction

4027 BB to 3513 BB

After the end of the second Korth Assault, the people of the Linibian States imagined they had truly defeated the Korth Horde, and began to call this time the "Korth Correction", for they had "corrected" the Korth problem.
They could not be more wrong as the Korth spent the next few centuries building the largest military force they could imagine. The next assault would win.
Abbreviated Kc#F

  • Kc94F
    Rise of the Reaver
    Life, Milestone

    The Reaver was a leader among the Korth Horde who led the Horde from roughly Kc94F through K34R. By the span of years it should be clear that this creature must have been among the Undying, as the elves were long gone in this era, and no other living species has a lifespan this long, except perhaps dragons. The existence of the Reaver was not even known outside the Korth Horde until K28R.

Korth Conquest

3513 BB to 2357 BB

After centuries of relative silence, the Linibian States were completely unprepared for the largest Korth Horde ever. The northern third of the states was conquered, and the Korth actually settled in the land. For a time, while border skirmishes were frequent, it almost seemed that the Korth would just be a permanent neighbor. Then, in K734C, the Korth erupted from the Steppe again, and with the wall open and the Northern states already conquered, they swept across all of the Linibian States. Fortunately, great heros of renown, called the Troop of The Trustless, managed to find and activate a powerful remnant of the Dawn Times, and summoned a construct army that drove back the horde. Eventually this tireless construct army drove the horde all the way back to the Steppe, and well beyond, before some defect, or inbuilt betrayal, in the army caused the constructs to turn and begin killing all living things around them. Many Linibians died to destroy that army, but the Korth, for the only time in history, joined with the Linibians to defeat this horror. The construct army was destroyed, but the Korth Horde was nearly destroyed as well; the Linibian armies were not much better off. It was a long time before the continent recovered from this error. Eventually, however, the Korth sent, over the course of a century, a great many "servants" as "tribute" to their southern neighbors, and when the numbers became great enough, they launched a rebellion, combined with another assault, resulting in terrible losses.
Abbreviated K#C

  • K754C
    Trustless Trial

    In the darkest days of the Second Conquest, when it was thought that the Korth Horde would finally overwhelm the peoples of the Linibian States, a group of heroes, calling themselves the Troop of the Trustless, endured a great trial of unknown nature. Despite harrowing struggle and the tragic loss of two of their number, the Troop emerged from this trial victorious. They were rewarded, if that is the correct word, with a great power from the Dawn Times. The Troop was able to summon, control, or master (the exact function is unclear) a vast army of constructs. With this tireless army, immune to most of the more terrible threats of war, the peoples of the Linibian States were able to drive back the Korth Horde and eventually pursue them into the Korth Steppe itself.


Korth Rebellion

2357 BB To 2262 BB

The next Korth assault was led by a more canny entity than before. It was not until it was too late that the Loremasters learned that a deathless power led the Korth this time. When the rebellion began, the Korth among the Linibians, perhaps over a million, all acted as one, taking up whatever arms they could get, and killing as many people as they could. None of them sought to live, only to kill. many millions died, mostly civilians. It was worse than even the Conquest of centuries before. Worse, the foul curse of the Unliving arose again in the land, and many found themselves fighting off the risen corpse of a loved one days after barely surviving the assault of the former servant that killed them. The rebellion was short, perhaps two months, and the aftermath was only a few more months. The Korth armies, however, had spent a year breaching the Korth Wall, and if it was not for an unexpectedly harsh late winter storm, would likely have conquered the Linibian States again. Even so, it was a close thing before the combined armies of the states and the power of the Loremasters managed to destroy both the attacking force and the undying horror that commanded them.

The era that followed, marked by frequent skirmishes and many unspeakable horrors along the Korth Wall, was called the Korth Rebellion.

Abbreviated K#R

  • K28R
    Lak'Sha's Revel

    In K28R a major discovery was made at the Eye of Justice, a great temple dedicated to The Source of Divine Truth. It was revealed by The Source that the leader of the Korth Horde was an Undying horror. It was this, more than any other event, that brought the great colleges of the Loremaster together to send a powerful expedition; one led by the greatest of the High Loremasters with their schools and guarded by no less than five thousand veteran warriors. This expedition, called Lak'Sha's Revel, transited a powerful arcane gateway, opened by the combined might of the High Priests and Archmage Council of the Linibian States, almost to the doorstep of the Riven Rage fortress. It cost the lives of over a thousand warriors and more than two hundred Loremasters, including the Grand Loremaster and twelve High Loremasters, but they breached the Reaver's inner sanctum and somehow tore open the mountain above them to expose that unliving horror to the cleansing light of the sun. The creature was utterly destroyed, along with it's thousands of "children", but that still left thousands more throughout the Korth Steppe who continued to plague the living for several centuries.

    Korth Steppe

Korth Decline

2262 BB to 1 BB

After the Korth Rebellion, the Korth launched one more major assault, which, in 2762 BB, was utterly destroyed. It seems the Korth had counted on some external force to assist them, and it never came, a betrayal that left the Korth unable to recover.

Over the next few centuries fierce humans, northmen, from the lands to the east and west of the steppe invaded the Korth Steppe, and by 1850 BB the Korth Horde was gone forever. The wild and fierce tribesman who replaced the Horde took up the name of Korth, but were not much threat to the peaceful lands to the south. They lived on the Korth Steppe because they wanted to live there, and had no desire to enter the soft and weak lands beyond the Korth Wall. By the end of the Friend Times, the original Korth peoples were simply forgotten.

Abbreviated K#D


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