Shiverstone Ammunition

Shiverstone is a particularly difficult stone to obtain, and even more difficult to work with. If one has the skill, and material, however, it may be formed into ranged ammunition, most often sling bullets but sometimes arrows or crossbow bolts. Ranged ammunition made from Shiverstone always shatters on impact and cannot be reused.

When Shiverstone ammunition hits a target, the stone shatters explosively, dealing an additional 1D6 piercing damage to the target.
Additionally, every creature within 5 feet of the impact point must make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your dexterity modifier or take the same piercing damage, suffering half damage on a success.

Shiverstone is not magical, and the damage from Shiverstone is normal weapon damage.

Due to rarity and difficulty of manufacture, Shiverstone ammunition is typically between 100 and 300 gp per item, so a bag of 20 sling stones would cost between 2000 and 6000 gp, if it is even available.

Item type


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