Void Crystal

Void Crystal. The very name strikes fear into spellcasters across the world. The other name for this mineral, gathered from unknown realms beyond the edges of conceivable reality, is Mage Bane Crystal. It embodies the power, and nothingness, of the Void itself. For any being with magical ability to touch a Void Crystal is instant death, as the crystal resonates with the touch of The Weave within the soul and absorbs both. Likewise, to touch Void Crystal with Magic, of any kind, produces an eruption of magical chaos as the crystal begins to draw the very fabric of The Weave itself into the Void. Depending on the power of magic involved, this can be a short disruption, a permanent destabilizing of the local weave, or even a tear in The Weave leaving a region forever devoid of magic. Void Crystal is an extremely powerful component in magical spells of destruction, chaos, or temporal effects, and can substitute for other components in such magics, or be used in small quantities to bolster the effects. Using Void Crystal in this way is incredibly difficult and risky, however, and can result in highly unpredictable consequences.


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