War of Undying

Also called the Lachendon War, the Great Lich War, or the War of Loss. This massive worldwide conflict began when the greatest lich ever created, a favored plaything of The Corruption itself, began a program of total genocide against the Elven people. The Lich, called Lachendon, transformed nearly every soldier killed in the war into undead to join it's own army, and reanimated most of it's soldiers that fell in battle. The result was an undying, nearly unkillable, force of ever growing numbers that, eventually, sought to eradicate all intelligent life from the world. The war was very nearly won by the forces of darkness. The forces of light were at their last stand, a mere 250,000 soldiers holding a hopeless position against over 20,000,000 fearless undead. If not for the sacrifice of Win'Siar'Fia and the unnamed betrayer to destroy the lich's phylactery (destroying the lich in the process), the battle could not have been won. In the end, more than 150,000,000 humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings, aasimar, and dragonborn were killed; not to mention the innumerable hordes of orcs, goblinoids, giants, lizardfolk, dragons, and other intelligent creatures who fought purely in self defense. The landscape itself was reshaped in the final conflagration when the lich's power was broken, creating two massive mountain ranges, and blasting almost the entire west coast of the continent into an uninhabitable wasteland. The immense realm bereft of life that was left behind eventually became the birthplace of 8 successor kingdoms over the following few milennia.

Conflict Type


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