Wizard Mark

The wizard's mark is both a warning and a reassurance. A warning that this individual is skilled in the practice of arcane magic, and a reassurance that they are trained and committed to follow the code that binds all civilized magic users. Every wizard who is trained anywhere that acknowledges the Code of Cai'relion will bear the mark. The mark is easily distinguished as genuine as it's infused with it's bearer's magic and shifts and moves in certain ways. To another practitioner, the mark is a 3-dimensional structure that details much of the individual, including rank, school, place of training or mentor, and other details. Anyone found practicing arcane magic in any significant way is marked, and to practice without a mark in any civilized society worldwide is to invite trouble as the local wizards gather to force the offender to accept a mark or be destroyed.

DM Notes

The marks are powerful. They do nothing to benefit the bearer, but any council, by use of a ritual that requires 10 wizards in cooperation, may track any marked individual anywhere on the plane. The mark changes based on the bearer's actions. It becomes dark and unkempt if the bearer uses magic for foul ends, and it becomes a black skull if the bearer turns to necromancy. No illusion can hide the mark, and once it becomes the black skull of necromancy it cannot be hidden, even by invisibility. It is almost impossible to remove a mark, requiring a ritual that takes 2 days and includes at least 20 arcane spellcasters, each able to cast at least 2 5th level spells without a rest

The holy symbol of a divine caster serves a similar purpose, and The Source is very jealous of the magic it bestows; revoking all magic if the caster turns far from the true faith of The Source.

Item type


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