Session 6 - Saving Our Youth Report

General Summary

The heavily rainy day continues as the party arrives outside of Gethara to find the town in flames and bodies, the group races into town to find children being held hostage by a band of kobolds. The kobolds threatened to kill the kids if anyone interferes. Even with the warning, Miriele attempts to strike at one of the kobolds. This causes everyone to break into a fight and the town folks beg them not to and the fight ensues. The kobolds heartlessly murder two of the children before the party engages the enemy enough to prevent more killings. The group of kobolds managed to escape with five of the children including the group's target, Cassarah.   In the meantime, Asai, racing back to Rylye to return her "borrowed" horse and managing to avoid getting caught. She then beings her journey to join the rest of the group in Gethara.   Being stalled long enough with the fight, they lose track of the escaping group but managed to capture the Beastmaster who seems to be leading the pack. They find a note on the Beastmaster leading them to a clearing far into the north woods. Stig manages with extreme luck to find tracks from the kids leading to the caravan camp. The camp is well guarded and the children are being loaded into the wagon and Stig returns to camp to report his finding of Grey Trading Company wagons being loaded with children.   Eventually, Asai catches up following the clues left by the group on the trees, angering Asai in the meantime for the reckless destruction of those trees. The group exhausted from their travels all night, decide it better to get any closer and camp for the night.   In the morning, the group heads to the clearing, finding it cleared out and smoldering old fire. Small bones litter the area around the fire, the remains of youth that were eaten by the kobolds. The party notes that the tracks of the kobolds move into the woods east while the carts made their way north out of the woods. Following the carts tracks out of the woods and across the river, the carts split up one headed towards Dawndale with the other headed back towards Sherborne.   The party decided to follow the cart leading back towards Sherborne, eventually finding the cart leaves the main road and heads towards the hills. Tracking the obvious cart rains from the rain, leads them into the hills west of Sherborne and towards the suspected location of the mine marked on the map they recovered. The tracks lead the party to an abandoned mining site where Ewan disposes of the still unconscious kobold before entering the darkness of the mine.   Following deep into the mine, the paths branching multiple times, Asai eventually notices a small area of the wall that is hewn and does not match the rest of the unworked wall around it. The doorway is some type of advanced allowed and after many painful trials and errors, all of the party finally makes it inside. Inside they find before them professional worked and constructed hallway in darkness.

Character(s) interacted with

Kobolds Citizens of Gethara
Crimes of Future Past
Ewan Pendragon
Nephilim (Fisherman/Wrecker/Sailor)
Barbarian 4
49 / 49 HP
Asai Shuu
Miriele Ciryandil
Stigandri Jotunsmogrunda
Chaotic Good Magante (Storm Ancestry) (Far Traveler)
Monk 4
26 / 26 HP
Player Journals
Syrgja Journal Entry VI by Syrgja
Report Date
18 Feb 2021

Cover image: Bravely Second by Akihiko Yoshida


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