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While traveling between citadels, train conductors typically have ultimate say over any and all details pertaining to the safety of the train and its voyage across the undead-infested wastelands. There are no laws beyond the citadels; only the word of the conductor. Conductors are primarily concerned with charting a safe voyage along the radiant rail system, so they dictate the speed the train will travel at to avoid shadowclouds as well as personally command any marines or warjacks present on the train. They occupy a similar to that ship captains used to hold, burdened with the duties of command to ensure all occupants safely reach their destination far from civilization. However, as train crew sizes are much smaller than ship crews, as well as the fact that trains run into danger much faster than ships, there is not typically a proper second-in-command or other representative of the crew to contest the decisions of the conductor, leaving most acting in positions of absolute authority bordering on the verge of tyranny.    Within a citadel, conductors demand total respect, often delivering vital supplies and intel. It takes a very bold or desparate criminal to interfere with the business of a conductor. While not typically necessary, conductors have a degree of diplomatic immunity to the varying laws of each citadel. Most conductors are not traditionally rich, instead relying on favors to find comfort for themselves and their crew when stationed at a citadel or remote outpost. Those that amass small fortunes tend to reinvest it into the train, either performing crucial repairs, expanding the defenses with 1-2 warjacks or more marine mercenaries, or acquiring transportable luxuries such as fine furniture or exotic consumable goods.   Each train's conductor title is typically passed down to a recipient of the conductor's choosing, usually groomed for years as a second-in-command who has learned and memorized every detail of the train's engineering quirks, typical routes, and defensive options to nearly the same degree of the conductor themself. Many conductors view their replacements as surrogate children, with some even adopting orphans to train exactly as they see fit. This also complicates matters when new trains are engineered and ready for their maiden voyage- few conductors are willing to give up their proteges expect for a hefty payment or consideration, even though those proteges are exactly the best fit to serve as conductors for a new train.   Train conductors are typically highly skilled and well-rounded. They are trained in advanced algebra, engineering principles, and nearly every duty of each crewmate on the train, able to stand in for anyone at a moment's notice. The conductors' general arrogance and dismissal of internal citadel problems tends to be passed down from conductor to protege at the same time as all this advanced education. Conductors are very skilled with both melee and ranged weapons to be ready for a wide range of combatants endangering the train, and often spend many hours during the journey practicing their forms and maintaining their studies. Many conductors are decent magicians or warcasters (a trait selectively picked for by the prior conductors). When all else fails, though, conductors can always fall back to running away from their problems.   Retired conductors are rare. Most are drawn to the adventure or have known train travel all their lives, and the idea of settling down in a citadel is foreign to them. Similarly, conductors rarely get separated from their trains in a situation that would allow them to find a replacement. Instead, most conductors simply go missing in action along with their trains, the unfortunate victims of some unknown disaster, or pass away en route due to disease or injury, high quality medical care being difficult to come by outside a citadel. Even for those with clerics on staff or having accessible reserves of healing magic eventually see their luck catch up to them.


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Aug 20, 2024 23:28 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article. This definitely makes me more curious about your world!   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 30, 2024 05:26 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there again! Just letting you know that I featured your article as one that caught my eye in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3