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Dwarves fared better than most during the World Death. Many of their mountain fortresses were easily defensible and have survived to this day, though they have struggled to learn to share their safe cities with the other refugee races. Due to their longer lifespans, many dwarves are still alive who remember the ways of the Old World. Some cling to their old beliefs as the only thing that keeps them going each day.   As all the gods of the dwarves are dead, dwarves lack new souls for their children, just as humans do. However, as dwarven generational cycles are much longer than humans, only a couple have passed and dwarven children are still being born with large souls that do not inhibit them in their younger years. The dwarves fear they will soon face the same issues the humans are seeing, but are powerless to stop it.   All dwarves (both male and female) grow beards, though some choose to stay clean-shaven. Babies and children grow facial hair at a similar rate to the hair on their head.

Dwarf Traits

Size. Dwarves vary in height but are generally thicker than humans, generally between 4 to 6 feet tall, and 150-400 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You know the dominant language of your home citadel, most likely Nix or Peaks and Valleys. You likely also know a second language commonly spoken in your home citadel. Even if it isn't dominant, you are likely to know the primary dwarven language, Peaks and Valleys.

Devoted. Dwarves are paragons of ability. You gain 1 feat for the essence you picked.

Mountaineer. Dwarven bodies are used to long treks up and down mountains. You gain proficiency in Athletics and advantage on saves against Exhaustion.

Long Apprenticeship. You gain proficency in one tool of your choice. At level 8, you gain expertise in this tool, or Proficiency in two other tools or instruments of your choice.


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