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Elarusa the Starfallen is a goddess of the kitsune. Elarusa joined the pantheon late and is not credited with the creation of the kitsune species, yet the kitsune worship her nonetheless. Elarusa takes the form of 3 glowing rings of pure light floating in a stack, but in the spirit realm has thin blue tendrils that stretch for miles in multiple directions. She was welcomed in after her starfall by the kitsune and nursed back to health, after which she devoted her energies to helping the kitsune race. She was a master of light-based magic, and is said to have invented the stitching method to create the first steamjacks cortex. When a follower joins the Starfallen, they must choose whether to become one of the Sunrise or the Sunset. This choice is permanent and cannot be changed at a later state. Sunrisers dedicate their lives to nurturing the planet and maintaining balance with the spirit realm, while Sunsetters make a vow to never return to their place of birth and proselytize the Starfallen tenets. With Elarusa perished, these tenets have grown lax and unenforced among those that still carry on the beliefs.


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