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Elves are the underworld servants of the devils of the hellway. They are effectively immortal as long as they consume the souls of the dead at regular intervals. Typically, all but the most loyal are killed or die in battle after a couple hundred years by the devils to prevent them growing too strong, though many have escaped to the surface. Others may be on the surface to do their masters' bidding or serve as ambassadors of the devils.   Elves are born without souls, but after around ten years their bodies have matured enough to be ready to consume their first souls. Elves siphon energy from the souls they consume to build their own soul, taking on parts of the souls of hundreds or even thousands of others as they age. Their personalities are usually strongly defined by the first 3 souls they consume.
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Elf Traits

Size. Elves are generally slightly taller than elves and have similar builds to the average human, generally between 4.5 to 6.5 feet tall, and 130-220 lbs. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You know Deviltongue. If you have spent significant time in a citadel, you know the dominant language there, most likely Nix or Peaks and Valleys.

Strange. Elves have picked up unusual talents living in the Hellways. You gain one feat of your choice.

Laborers of the Hellways. Elves are the general laborers of the Hellways and have to work a variety of tasks. You gain two Proficiency in two skills and tools.

Soul Consumption. Elves can consume the souls of the recently dead before their souls drift into the hellways. As an action, you can touch the body of another creature with your skin. If the creature died within the last minute, you consume its soul and regain one of your spent hit dice, or 1 temporary hit die. At level 8, you can have up to two temporary hit dice from this ability at once, though each soul you consume still only grants one hit die.


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