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Ironwrought Crusader

The Ironwrought Crusaders are an offshoot of engineered undead local to the northwestern Goatsback Mountains. Not much is known about the creators of the ironwrought, though both active and destroyed samples of the undead have been captured and studied by Calona. The more they have discovered about the crusaders, the more terrified the residents of the citadel have become. This is what is publically known by the residents of Calona:
  • The crusaders typically feature lengths of rusted wrought iron grafted into their bodies. Somethimes they act as reinforcing splints of armor, but often they take the form of lattices or cages. They are also often seen wielding barbaric weapons, such as huge bloody polearms, long-chained flails, and maces made of skulls.
  • The crusaders vary greatly in shape and form. While most are clearly humanoid in origin, others are very large, perhaps from giants, and more still are animalistic. A rare few are so far remvoed from life and traditional forms that their origin is now impossible to tell.
  • The Ironwrought Crusaders are ever-present around the mountains of Calona. They have laid siege to the citadel for decades, though the intensity waxes and wanes with no clear schedule.
Scouts beyond the walls, the guards on the walls, and researchers within the walls have discovered some additional information, though the government has chosen to keep these facts secret as best it can:
  • Cages of captives have been seen being hauled away from Calona. Guards occasionally recognize a crusader as someone they used to know, but now disfigured by undeath and grafted with metal strips.
  • While the vast majority of crusaders are of a single body, others have been dissected and observed to have been multiple bodies grafted together, or otherwise combined together to form a larger creature.
  • Scouts have encountered the abandoned remains of cult activity and signs of human sacrifice, suggesting some greater intelligence may be at play than just the innate craving for destruction and ruin most undead seem to bear.


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