Abyss General
Demons live here. There are infinite layers to the Abyss, or perhaps 666 layers; no one is quite sure. Each layer is even more horrifying than the one above it. Each has its own brand of terror, violence, horror, and awfulness.
Gravity is normal in the Abyss, with some exceptions. Time is the same way: usually runs along as usual, but sometimes messed up, depending on where you are. Every planar factor, in fact, will depend on which layer in which you find yourself.
The Abyss is mildly aligned with Chaos and Evil (-2 CHA if you’re not one of them. If you’re not both, it’s -2 CHA, INT, WIS checks)
Demons of all kinds; sometimes other CE beings visiting or in residence
Brain Collector, PFcr8
These are personifications of hate and cruelty, fueled by evil intents found throughout the rest of the multiverse. Their Many-Layered Abyss is famous throughout all the planes as a horrifying and truly evil place. Demons care not for anyone but themselves, and they serve others only by necessity or fear. There are rumored to be 666 levels of the Abyss, but some claim there are even more.
Levels and Their Residents
Fire Levels
Hell Hound, MMIcr3 , 5ecr3
Agnibarra ccCR1;
Alnaar Demon, fiery serpent ccCC5e
Balor, MMI, cccr20, PFcr20, 5ecr19
Nightmare, PFcr6, MMIcr5, 5ecr3; and Greater Nightmare, PFcr11, MMIcr11
Marsh or Bog Levels
CC5e; Cipactli Demon, lizardish thing, marsh or bog, crocodile… mouths all over its body, CR5; Wind Demon, cr2
Basilisk (abyssal greater), MMI,cr12
Hezrou, MMI,cr11 and Hezrou (toad demon) PFB2,cr11; 5ecr8
Hydra (MMIcrvar; 5ecr8
Chasme, 5e6
Manes, 5ecr1/8
Vampiric Mist, B2cr3
Sickening Sleep (ooze), MMIIIcr2
Yann-an-Oed (CCcr2)
Adaru (MMVcr19) Demon
“Civilized Abyss”:
Nalfeshnee, PFB2, cr14… MMI,cr14… 5ecr13
Marilith, MMI,cr17; Marilith (pride demon) PFcr17; …5ecr16
Succubus/Incubus/Tempastrixs (myownPF,cr?), MMI,cr7 (PFcr7 5ecr4
Rakshasas as elites or rulers or nobles etc., although they often feel they’ve been placed in provincial places, have a definite superiority complex to all around
Rakshasa, 5ecr13; Rakshasas (MMIcr10)
Rakshasa, Ak’Chazar (caster, MMIIIcr15)
Rakshasa, Naztharune, MMIIIcr11
Concordant Killers (MMIVcr19), although not technically demon-folk, will sometimes make their residences in the Abyssal cities… they are rarely challenged!
Any Level
Echo Demon, reborn liars cccr6;
Neophron Demon, vulturous shapechangers, cccr8;
Pishacha, often sent to the Material, possessors, cccr3;
Spree Demons, cccr5;
Vellso Demon, cccr7;
Giant, Blood, cccr8;
Barghests (PFcr4or7) or MMI,cr4or5
Babau (blood demon)B2,cr6 ; MMIcr6
Dretch, MMIcr2; 5ecr1/4
Quasit, MMI,cr2… PFcr1… 5ecr1
Vrock, MMI,cr9 (PFcr9)... 5ecr6
Howler (beast creature like a skeletal howling dog?) MMIcr3
Shemhazian (mutilation demon), PFcr16
Barlgura, 5ecr5
Goristro, 5ecr17
Yochlol, 5ecr10
Saveling, B2cr5
Demon, Arrow, MMIIIcr7
Fiendish Creatures, can be built from any creatures (template MM)
Shadow Mastiffs (MMIcr5)
Yeth Hounds, MMIcr3, B2cr3
Carnage Demon (MMVcr4)
Solamith (MMVcr8) Demon, with loose societies and groups in different places
Darker Levels:
Bibiliths, (In MMI(cr10), but also PF2B, cr10), creeping spidery through the dark)
Invidiak (PF2B, shadow demon) cr7;
Vrolikai (PF2B, Death Demon) cr19
VASUTHANT (MMIII, cr very large (18?)) - - Drifters and Loners on this plane
Shadow Demon (5ecr4)
NIGHTSHADES (3 varieties, but especially Nightwalkers, MMIcr16)
Demon, Sorrowsworn, MMIIIcr17
Living Blasphemy (ooze), MMIIIcr13
Soul Eater (Brcr7)
Necronaut MMIIIcf14
Draudnu (MMVcr10) demon
Gadacro (MMVcr3, demon)
Deepest, Darkest Regions
- QLIPPOTH: Seeking bitter vengeance on all creatures able to commit sins of any kind… a brutal anger at having been driven below, to the lowest reaches of the Outer Rift
- Cythnigot, B2cr1 (rat fly-trap thing)
- Shoggti, B2cr7 (weird octopus like thing)
- Nyogoth, B2cr10 (cluster of worms)
- Chernobue, b2cr12 (flops and writhing, a tentacled inky blackness)
- Augnagar, B2cr14 (foul dragon, insect, scorpion)
- Thulgant, B2cr18 (spider octopus thing)
- Deepest Darkness, Creature os (my own, PF, cr18)
- CC5e: Yek Demons, thrive off of constant violence and destruction of anything and everything, cr4 and 9
- CC5e: Fulad-Zereh, lieutenants winged with armor, cr9
- MMIV, cr11: Kastighur, demons of the armor
- Offal and Garbage and Sewer-like
- Fee, CC5el: Rattok Demons, cr4;
- Nabasu (gluttony demons) cr8;
- Hezrou (toad demon) cr11, and MMI,cr11
- Adaru, MMVcr10 (Demon)
- Abrikandilu PF2e, horribly ugly and hate mirrors, lvl 4
- Glabrezu, MMI,cr13 (PFcr13)... 5ecr9
- Deathdrinker, MMIV cr18… often with a platoon of subservient Nashrou, MMIVcr2
- (especially realms of rock, desert, and plateau): Nashrou, MMIVcr2
- DEMONHIVES , into the rock, under the right circumstances and “rock” formation (MMIV, cr2 (attendant or swarm) or cr6 (queen).
- Tulpa (manifestations of negativity, waiting to hound and prey upon anyone in any realm or plane) cc cr4
- Whisperer in Darkness (thought to possibly enter the material from this plane, but not sure?) cc cr15
- Whisper Demon, MMIVcr9
- Mind Flayers of Thoon (and related creatures in MMV) sometimes wandering the Insane Levels of the Abyss
- A vast, horrid emptiness that tears the soul with loneliness and depression
- They say there are places there to wander, but the wandering never ends, from nowhere to nowhere, and eventually one dies from the sheer nothingness and meaninglessness of the place (and of all life, from the perspective of the place)
- A place of spirits and existential shaky ground, a great hole of doubt, and you could fall forever, never knowing if or when or how or on what you might land
- In our story:
- Inhabited by (at very least) a demon spirit, the same that held safe the phylacteries for the three great lich priests of Eskil
- But the creature, Nak-Shaka, a Nightwalker (MMIcr16, “nightshade”), left to go hunting, left a lesser demon in his place, and that demon failed at the duties…
- Now the phylacteries have been destroyed, and the demon spirit is enraged. Eskil will torment its soul for eternity, but a little less so if it can hunt down and kill our heroes
- Balkinor was the wizard-demon who rules over (somewhat in absentia it seems, although none of his denizens are sure; they’re in constant partial fear) and has (it is said) drastically altered this level in strange ways..
- No one really knows what happened to Balkinor, or if he still exists… (Has he come back? When the lab is used, the creatures wonder…)
- Light has no visible source here; it’s like blacklight
- The level is a vague darkness, with barely discernible and unrecognizable purplish black-lit shapes
- Much of it is a dungeon, a vast complex of dungeon-like passages and rooms, filled with strange things (or nothing at all) or creatures. It’s very hard to navigate without some special sight.
- Time “stands still” here (at least in relation to the material planes (most of them)). Time passes in Balkin’giddzagus, but one goes in and comes out in the same instant, from the perspective of the material plane. One could spend and age 100 years in Giddzagus then emerge to see his companions are the same, standing exactly where they were when one left.
- The re-emergence into the material is a strange thing… If someone dies in the Abyss, them simply do not re-emerge. When you enter the level you simply join into its time. Also, creatures can emerge from the portal, and if they do with the entrants, it happens at the exact same time.
- First time, you hear--or do you?--the vaguest impression of pounding drums and a high pitched screaming, or calling out, or chantic… just fleeting snippets of sound, faintly, far in the distance
- It’s closer. The high wailing voices are definitely a thing.
- Third, you hear the sounds when you enter but then things go dead silent.
- Fourth, there are eyes (if you can see them magically either way you feel like you’re being watched with an intent, unblinking energy
- The eyes are closer now; you can see them like little unblinking moons
- Many eyes now, some bigger some smaller, crowded around (and close enough that you see vague, purple moon-like orbs visibly emerging from the darkness)
- The creatures are Gadacro (small, humanoid-bat-like) and possibly Bebiliths (Beastly giant spidery creatures)--also : Not Done Yet: Abyssal Skulker MMII and Arrow Demon MMIII
- Bebiliths (mine, demonic spider creatures) here, often ordering the Black Light Gadacro (cr3, my own, 3.5) around; bullies and brutes (PFB2,cr10) and Grandaddy (my own, cr12, 3.5)