Agnaar, Dwarven God of Chaos in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Agnaar, Dwarven God of Chaos

Agnarr, Liv’s brother, is another story. The bushy-browed, grey-bearded, cantankerous, ill-tempered, and slightly unintelligent god usually sits on his throne high on Stizzbumm, the mountain of chaos, looking down on creation with a frown. Sometimes he wanders the landscape smashing things and bellowing and generally making a fuss.   In Dwarven lands there are sometimes regiments of soldiers that follow Him and do his damage to their foes. There are some temples dedicated to him as well, but they seem always to fall into disrepair and neglect. Agnarr is a tricky deity to follow, but those who are steadfast receive powers and blessings unique to Him only. They must be prepared to bumble and fall, but when they strike truly there is nothing like it.
The Dwarven Battle Maul, Holy to Agnaar


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