Arctic Elves Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Arctic Elves

The Elves living in the far south, these relatives of the Wood Elves to the north have adapted over the past 15,000 years to life in cold summer's and sometimes brutal winters. Their Forest of Lost home is base from which to stage adventures and sail out into Damon bay, then north to the land of their cousin-kin. They build sturdy ships and sturdy houses among the trees or on the forest floor in their forest. They are masters of survival and have an inperviousness to the energy of cold.   Many say that these Elves have blood that acts as antifreeze, and some alchemists in the north, or wicked creatures in the Demonlands, will quest to get a dram or more of the viscous, light-blue substance, for use in spells, rituals, or potions. Very few survive the trip south to Elven lands, let alone the Elves' defenses in their forest villages.   Arctic Elves range out of their immediate territory to hunt and gather, and those who have come back from the south bear food and treasure, and song may be sung about them for a long time to come.   Every ten years or so, a team of Elves will sail away into the Yonder, to reach warmer lands and adventure among the strange places north. Their goal is usually Tellarus, the cosmopolitan atmosphere allowing them a less conspicuoous presence. There is trade here: The Arctice Elves have access to exotic Ten-Spruce wood, and they bring it with them for a powerful barter. They bring also exotic dried meats and silver jewelry.   Arctic Elves make great adventurers, and their presence (although extremely rare) may show up anywhere on the globe. There is however always a pull to return to their Southern Forest, and to share their tales. For more about them and the land in which they live, see "Woods of Lost Home" below.   Woods of Lost Home   Note on Religion:

Arctic Elf religion is little known. Broaching the subject with these elves, one would learn little. Those that already know some of the pantheon discover that the Arctic Elves give homage to two particular deities in particular, Darken of the Cold Moon (distantly similar to Desna of the Spheres, among wood elves in the north), and Aldianni, God of Stone and Fire.
Like the wood elves, the Arctice Elves are primarily animistic, revering the forest and stones themselves, either individually or as a collective. Their beliefs are fluid, and the deities above serve as focal points and personifications more than anything else.

Attributes for creating a Player Character Arctic Elf:
Arctic Elf Player Character Attributes


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