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Azure, Shipping Town on the North Coast in Zephrya

Azure is a shipping town that specializes in trading missions across Lupine's Way to the north. It's a voyage of 1200 miles, and Azure Merchant Ships can make the trip to Smogbay in about 6 days, unless it's wintertime; then the trip is much more rarely made.   In the Taverns of Azure, if you start talking adventure, or shipping, or trade, you may get an earful of opinion, hearsay, or the rare accurate information. Azurans love to talk mythology and about the "Old Times," and if there's a storyteller or long-wind in the group, sit back and get ready. The pipes and the leaf come out, the teller leans, back, and here we go. (See footnote)           As well as shipping Zephryn grain and iron nearly to Bair and Tellarus, as well as to the Dwarves of the north, Azure holds a vibrant community, a clan called the Bluesail. The festivals, public houses, and even a cultural heritage society, called the Bluesail Society for the Preservation of Cultural Relics or 'BSPCR'. The Bluesail's imprint on life in Azure is strong, and it seems the Bluesail heritage is celebrated around every corner.

The Bluesail Clan has dominated much of the cultural expression in Azure. The BSPCR has its own museum along Lupine Way, down the middle of town, just off the wharfs. They lay claims to a compelling mythical past, complete with heroes and deities that do not so much differ from those of the other clans, but are asserted in a concrete way that rarely happens. In particular, the Bluesail mythology has concrete referents to the regions of northern Zephyra, and the areas either in the Sea or across it.  
  Thus the museum of Preserved Cultural Relics holds a great deal of meaningful objects, some of them genuinely powerful by anyone's standards. Although unseen, many of the museum's patrons have positions of authority that lie beyond Azure, or of northern Zephyra itself.   Melissa Korevesson is the woman who maintains the museum, ostensibly in a humble and unassuming way. She also is the one who seeks out heroes who might be able to aid the cause, or find objects of mythical or cultural value. In the side bar is an example of a call for "help."  Oftimes the Cleric of Jardorrin, the Zephyran god of All-Seeing and All-Knowing, comes in to bless the quest and see it on its way.   The BSPCR museum holds a remarkable array of precious relics, including ancient swords and axes, along with other relics of all kinds: cooking implements, iron arrowheads, gold and jewels, and old suits of chainmail armor, along with a gigantic taxidermy cave bear (ostensibly a native species to Brohd Zellor across the sea).
On a piece of crisp parchment, nailed to a post.  It says,
     “City of Azure, Bluesail Clan, Society for the Preservation of Cultural Relics: and then, in big letters: “”A Call for Heroes...
     “Dear Citizens of Azure and Heroes of the Realm: The Society for the Preservation of Cultural Relics is proud to present their latest quest, a bid for their newest Relic, the Helm of Hagra, an ancient magical Helmet that grants its wearer magical protection. Its wearer can commune with the deities and even fly, soaring the skies like an eagle. [there’s a picture here]
     "In a former age, Hagra bravely fought for the Bluesail Clan against great foes–bears, trolls, giants, etc.--making a good name for our people in a far northern land.
     "Let this notice be a call to any and all heroes. Should you travel across the sea, find the grave of Hagra, and retrieve the magical helmet, you will receive a heroes’ welcome home, a great feast in your honor, and a reward of 250 gp, upon your return.
     "(In smaller print): “Note: The Helm lies far to the north, across the ocean of Lupine’s Way, in the land of Brohd Zellor, high in the mountains. The trip may be dangerous. The Society for the Preservation of Cultural Relics assumes no responsibility for lost lives, lost limbs, or injury of any kind, physical or mental, along the way.
     "The notice goes on: “Should you wish to join the quest, please meet at the SPCR museum hall by the Western docks in the city of Azure, on Sem-Gall the 23rd, ready to depart immediately.”
A specific example of a trading ship: The Starrship, captained by a man named Sterrensen, along with Jena and Wela, who run trade with the Smogbay Dwarves on the southern coast of Brohd Zellor. Run trade for wheat, barley, and iron. Also the loot of Zephyra: gold and jewels; and standard weaponry such as crossbows and bolts, utility knives, and piles of wood for campfires and construction and carving. Such a ship would definitely (and rightly) assume good luck with a complement of dolphins swimming alongside the ship. It's generally a six day journey (faster in the spring and fall, very touchy in winter).   North-coast merchant sailors utilizae a type of ship called the Knarn.  Knarn-ships are well-built in these northern towns. The Knarn is a long, narrow ship with a high square sail, on which is painted a great golden blue triangle/sail. A smaller ship as ships go, but with an ample hold that’s been outfitted for housing passengers, as comfortable as possible. There are three bunk-rooms, a privy, and a large common room for passengers to sit and eat and play cards, etc. The hold’s floors and walls are built of handsome, varnished oaken panels. Shelves of hard-tack, dried mutton, nutri-swill, limes and many jugs of water have been put away here for the journey.
Here some things that mmght be heard in an Azure Tavern, like the Tasty Willow; the Axewind; the Devilshark; or the Dockside
  • The waters in the far north are mysterious; Brohd Zellor doesn’t actually exist, it’s just mythology
  • Sailing into those waters is like sailing off the edge of the world
  • As long as the dolphins see you across, you should be alright… The dolphins of the Lupine Ocean always a sign of good luck. Let them take you in
  • The Dwarves in Brohd Zellor are strange, squat, cranky creatures…. I’ve heard you can’t trust them at all
  • There are fish-folk up there off the coast; stange, nasty pirates
  • An old friend of mine was up there trading barley, and he said a whole cargo-load disappeared under the waves one night, and none of the crew was ever seen again
  • They call it the “Smog Bay,” and not fer nothin’
  • When the wind is right, especially this time of year, the mists up around the Brohd Zellor coast are thick and heavy; ships have made it all the way north only to be stranded in a great cloud that covers the bay…
  • Hargra’s Helm or other Artifact: What do you know about it? Bard with Harp: I’ll tell you the real story: Sings
  • A grizzled dwarven character in the corner (Bruna), she looks up from her cider with a cocked eye, and she says, “That helm doesn't belong to you, or anyone else. Hargra died a hero, and her helm belongs with her where she fell. I wouldn’t advise removing it. If you can instead, sanctify and hallow the ground. If you don’t, your trouble may double” - - - > Having lived in (Smog bay area) she knows much more, Legend has it that some fearsome animal guards the place
  • The high roads in those Hagra Mountain have enormous giant, bright blue dwarf=peopl, with arms as thick as a mast-pole. They're so tough, they go around naked all winter long!


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